File: Falcon Punch!!!!!!!.swf-(1.25 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] 4CC /f/ Team Roster Poll Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ 01/27/17(Fri)19:01:45 No.3207983
Hello everyone, sorry this has taken so long. As a few of you might know, the last poll we tried
a few days ago was tampered with and rigged unfairly.
Because of this "Recipe Inside" has been disqualified and removed from the list.
Unfortunately, this also means we are being forced to come up with some kind of countermeasure,
as we've been using the honor system to decide the team for all these years we weren't quite sure
what to do about it.
As a temporary solution, we are trying out google polls instead, what this means is that you'll
have to sign in to a google account if you want to vote now. Please note we didn't want to do
this, but our hands are tied.
What the fuck is this all about? Head to the wiki for all your questions about Virtual Memeball
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)19:04:32 No.3207984
Dang, I wish I could vote for more than one option.
>> [_] Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ 01/27/17(Fri)19:11:33 No.3207988
You should be able to vote for as many characters as you like, but your response will only be
recorded once.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)19:13:18 No.3207989
I was only able to select one thing total. I'm okay with my choice though.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)19:18:17 No.3207990
>can only vote for one option
oh man this pressure
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)19:30:21 No.3207994
The 4CC is and always has been absolute cancer
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)20:41:52 No.3208026
>no one wants to bring back FINAL BOSS
Jay Jay or the guy from The Trip would be absolutely acceptable submissions as well
Animutations are dead but I still see The Trip every so often
>> [_] Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ 01/27/17(Fri)20:48:03 No.3208030
If it's any consolation, I'm planning on having FINAL BOSS's music play if we ever win the cup
and do the bonus round.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)21:17:27 No.3208044
There's a team with just animutation players that we did vs /wsg/ or some other team.
>> [_] Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ 01/27/17(Fri)21:21:04 No.3208045
It was against /co/ in the friendlies a couple weeks ago.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)22:15:53 No.3208064
Neat, I usually don't pay attention to 4cc because
>ball foot
but it seems pretty entertaining so far.
>> [_] Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ 01/27/17(Fri)22:36:52 No.3208072
After some tinkering with the settings the 1 vote restriction has been removed, you can now vote
for as many characters as you like.
You can also edit your votes now and change them in case you made a mistake or only got 1 vote
I apologize for the inconvenience, this is our first time using google polls, I will do my best
to make sure people are aware of the change.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)22:49:19 No.3208077
What happens in a 3 way tie?
>> [_] Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ 01/27/17(Fri)22:58:10 No.3208080
A tiebreaker poll of some kind most likely.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)00:02:57 No.3208096
If hat wins i am going to be absolutely disgusted with this board
Shitty weeb meme
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)00:07:34 No.3208098
Is the Doc on the team
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)01:26:30 No.3208128
>Shitty weeb meme
>being on 4chan
>not liking weeb memes
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)01:39:48 No.3208132
I don't know, 10 year old repost seems better in my opinion.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)02:28:23 No.3208154
>hatsploshin incoming
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)02:48:44 No.3208155
B E L I E V E I N / F /