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This is resource Z4ZT631, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/1 -2017 16:36:03

Ended:13/1 -2017 01:43:37

Checked:13/1 -2017 02:02:36

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 33.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Beef Stroganoff.swf-(9.95 MB, 960x540, Loop)
[_] guaranteed_replies.swf Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)10:30:59 No.3200624

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)11:05:09 No.3200635

  finally I know about Beef Stroganoffu

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)11:24:46 No.3200639

  Fucking terrible recipe

  >not searing the meat for deeper flavor
  >not using garlic
  >not using beef broth
  >using tomatoes

  l2cook gooks

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)11:31:26 No.3200641


>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)11:43:03 No.3200644


>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)11:46:53 No.3200645

  Guys I'm actually a professionally chef and I can verify this is the kinda bullshit we feed
  people, they just forgot to throw in the allspice

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)12:02:32 No.3200650

  >The half-assedness just means it's artisanal

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)12:06:22 No.3200652


>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)12:16:07 No.3200657

  >swf chan

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)12:17:13 No.3200658

  Is that adobe's secret messageboard?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)12:20:59 No.3200660

  >he doesn't know what swfchan is
  you better be trollin' nigga

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)12:51:29 No.3200670

  or what?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)13:22:49 No.3200682


>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)14:04:27 No.3200692

  He didn't say artisan, he said professional.

  You're not going to be putting that much effort in when you have a full house and it's not
  Michelin starred.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)14:07:05 No.3200693

  beeffy suturogonaffiy*

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)14:17:35 No.3200698

  >boil it in milk

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)14:22:00 No.3200699

  ビフ ストロガナフ

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)14:56:54 No.3200710

  where's the hood

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)15:34:54 No.3200723

  I do not know where the hood is at either, someone should tell us.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)15:36:58 No.3200725

  > or what?
  Or we will have most definitely lost respect for you and the zeal with which this post
  encapsulates /f/ and enriches all our lives. Even your lack of capitalization has us wailing in
  fear and gnashing our teeth praying, nay, BEGGING that you're trolling or all is truly lost.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)15:54:11 No.3200733

  Okay. Source please!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)16:12:27 No.3200736

  Tomatoes + Onions + Milk O shit what are you doing?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)16:15:43 No.3200740

  where is a good little website to download art software for my pc like 3dsmax and adobe?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)16:44:39 No.3200748

  >guaranteed replies.swf

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)16:47:10 No.3200750

  Anime-chan is my wife

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)17:00:33 No.3200757

  This. So this.
  A decent eatery need only make food that is better than the average household to survive.
  These places can usually outlive their owners unless they seriously fuck their finances up or
  have a fire or food poisoning incident.
  Making decent, tasty food is one of those ways to prevent a financial fuck-up.

  If you have some heated competition around your area, adding a few strong spices and flaming up
  your veggies and meat can add that extra oomph that most others likely wouldn't do.
  A flamethrower in the kitchen is a godsend for deserts too.
  Nothing beats a little char and spices. But sometimes simple works if you do it really well.

  Finding a nice little pub that serves food (preferably non-chain faggots), for example, they can
  usually sell that food even cheaper because they are expecting to make it back on drinks and
  extras, just like all-you-can-eat places or deals.
  I was at one like, uh, 2 weeks before Christmas there, god damn the food was tasty as fuck. Huge
  big portions as well., the fish I had was massive and fresh as fuck.
  £8.80/$10~ for a 3 course.
  We only found it purely because another place was closed.
  Decent big deserts too. (I never had one, I just had tea :^) )

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)17:12:01 No.3200758

  I always use ketchup and mustard when making stroganoff.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)17:21:59 No.3200761

  check the wiki page for the flash on swfchan

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)17:44:08 No.3200771

  what's your favourite desert? mine's the sahara

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)17:44:46 No.3200773


>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)19:25:29 No.3200813

  I love you.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)19:30:54 No.3200815

  guatanteed replies indeed
  and it's the same replies over an over again every time this flash gets posted
  god bless /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 01/12/17(Thu)19:35:14 No.3200818

  >he said professional
  He also said chef. he's just a cook
Created: 12/1 -2017 16:36:03 Last modified: 13/1 -2017 02:02:50 Server time: 22/12 -2024 01:53:07