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Shitty Titty Flash.swf
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Threads (1):

[T9B3O7U]F !…
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 1/11 -2015 13:23:12 Ended: 1/11 -2015 19:07:09Flashes: 1 Posts: 10
File: Shitty Titty Flash.swf-(4 KB, 550x400, Game)
[_] Anon 2940543 need some hep with my shitty game. When you jump off the edge you fall back through the ground multiple times before stopping. Not sure if it's something in the code. Didn't write it myself but I've been messing with it with no luck. Any help with my shitty ass game much appreciated. Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2940546 It doesn't happen under all circumstances (you CAN fall without this happening), so I blame bug-ridden collision detection code. Check all the conditionals and see if you are able to edit it so you have all possible events under control. It seems to have to do with too big horizontal part of velocity.
>> [_] Anon 2940548 I was thinking it had something to do with the velocity also here's the code: onClipEvent (load) { var ground:MovieClip = _root.ground; var grav:Number = 0; var gravity:Number = 2; var speed:Number = 7; var maxJump:Number = -12; var touchingGround:Boolean = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y += grav; grav += gravity; while (ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y -= gravity; grav = 0; } if (ground.hitTest(_x, _y+5, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { _x += speed; } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { _x -= speed; } if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) && touchingGround) { grav = maxJump; } if (ground.hitTest(_x+(_width/2), _y-(_height/2), true)) { _x -= speed; } if (ground.hitTest(_x-(_width/2), _y-(_height/2), true)) { _x += speed; } if (ground.hitTest(_x, _y-(height), true)) { grav = 3; } }
>> [_] Anon 2940561 Alright, it does not have to do with horizontal velocity, I pulled it right out of my ass. That part works alright. Anyway - the problem is with the vertical velocity. If you jump before falling off the ledge your ball has more room to gain momentum and thus leads to bigger speed in the y-axis than planned. Thus it just ignores the collision checking at the time it seems to meet the block, as the conditions are passed - the ball doesn't actually "meet" the block in a way that the code anticipates at any frame, so it ignores the event as if nothing happened (because to the program nothing has happened). This continues for a couple more cycles, until the falling ball is "in phase" with the block, when the conditions are passed and the ball stops.
>> [_] Anon 2940565 So I'm guessing I would have to write something up that checked for this condition right? I have no idea what the hell I'm doing though.
>> [_] Q-tip 2940637 The down button doesn't do anything faggot.
>> [_] Anon 2940639 I came expecting Titty. I did not received Titty. Instead, I received disappointment. So very many disappointment.
>> [_] Anon 2940640 >># not true every time you press the down button a child in africa dies
>> [_] Anon 2940700 The easiest way to solve this is to check if you are above the floor this frame, and if you are, check if you are below the floor in the next. If that is also true and the x position for the next frame is within the range of the floor, then set the y position to the floor level instead of whatever position gravity would set it to.
>> [_] Anon 2940702 Just set the y coordinate of the reset position closer to the ground. 
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Created: 1/11 -2015 13:28:32 Last modified: 16/10 -2018 14:12:33 Server time: 14/03 -2025 15:49:49