/ > /fap/ > Thread 8375 Age: 31.69d Health: 0% Posters: 13 Posts: 16 Replies: 14 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 28847 [IMG] holla at me.swf (890.4 KiB) 600x500, Compressed. 67 frames, 9 fps (00:07). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 28853 what the actual fuck?!
>> Anon 28857 HOL UP
>> Anon 28860 Animating liquids like saliva is never easy, especially in a limited color palette. On one hand this is a valiant effort for attempting something as impractical as this. On the other... why would you attempt something as impractical as this? Kinda confused but not really curious.
>> Anon 28960 >># I didn't draw it, just thought it was hilarious that it existed and intriguing that it's so well made.
>> Anon 28978 kill me
>> Anon 29093 Anyone know who made it?
>> Anon 29095 >># Ungulatr. He has a serious fetish for kissing and saliva...
>> Anon 29126 Have we found the beef curtains killer?
>> Anon 29128 >># Nowhere close. This doesn't have a stupid and raging author attacking bad reviews.
>> Anon 29131 >># but it's muh real vulva,Anon Real womin have vulvas bigger than dicks It's all muh soggy knee and patriarchy, making you think that it's disgusting
>> Anon 29140 >># lol'd
>> Anon 29142 >># Well, now I know I'm not into that. Whatever that is.
>> Anon 29149 >># You never know until you try.
>> Anon 29215 >># That's not how it works.
>> Anon 29218 HOT MONKEY DICK O T M O N K E Y D I C K