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This is the wiki page for Flash #182034
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14,76 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 4/12 -2015 11:56:08 Ended: 31/1 -2016 04:28:00Flashes: 1 Posts: 28
/ > /fap/ > Thread 8149 Age: 57.67d Health: 1% Posters: 21 Posts: 28 Replies: 25 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 25782 [G] Breeding Season 7 Breeding Season 7 [IMG] BreedingSeason7.0.swf (14.76 MiB) 960x720, Compressed. 2 frames, 28 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 25783 what did they remove this time?
>> Anon 25786 So what's broken?
>> Anon 25787 Reminder: Debug code iknowwhereyouliveanon for the gallery. It seems there are no new animations for the monsters (just for some npc), but they added neoteny and genderswap (and their combination) sprites for all the old monsters.
>> Anon 25789 >># >No new animations Pack it up people,nothing interesting to see here.
>> Anon 25790 7.0 Patch Notes Old save files will not transfer (hopefully the last time for a while) Additions - Happiness events: there are now a handful of happiness events you can get if your monsters are happy enough (still being balanced, will need feedback on them) - You can now harvest from the Breeding Menu - Breeding Menu Sorting: started adding sorting options to the breeding menu, right now the menu will move last partners to the top of the list, and allows you to hide monsters that don't have any remaining hearts or can't be fed, but this will be expanded on considerably in the future (UI placeholder) - Newborn monsters now have a few days of "summoning sickness" in which they cannot breed or generate hearts (this balance change is potentially temporary, pending feedback) - A number of the genderbent and neoteny variants have been given unique pen silhouettes - You can now have more than 6 requests at the same time, and if you do then you'll be able to scroll through them in the requests menu - You can now scroll in the contacts menu, if you have enough contacts - Breeding Menu hotkeys have been added/changed: Q will swap the folders, W will harvest, E will open the feeding menu, and R will breed the two selected monsters Bug Fixes / Balance - The lag should be massively diminshed; there's some things that will still need optimizing, but you should find it generally far more playable - The Filly no longer does the creepy blinking thing - The difficulty of bronze requests now scales slower, and new requests are more frequent - Kittengirls have mouths! - Futa genderbent monsters should appear properly in their pens Known Issues - There will be issues loading saves from older versions - Skin and hair colors may be incorrect on some new monsters/variants - Pen silhouettes for some neoteny monsters are currently incorrect and show up as base monsters instead - Some animations have been disabled or are glitchy due to the new overhauls and colors - Due to the overhaul of the color system, colors are incorrect in a number of pens and animations
>> Anon 25791 Futa demoness is supposed to work. It doesn't show.
>> Anon 25792 They removed even more animations this time... I'm certain there was an animation with Elf x Dickwolf. Gone. And Neonteny is simply ignored...
>> Anon 25793 Does anyone know the event names?
>> Anon 25795 do you need to do anything special for monsters with neoteny to show up? I have it enabled, but only futa shows up even though it's disabled.
>> Jesus Crust 25796 twf TiTS, a text game, will soon become a bigger file size than Breeding Season.
>> Anon 25800 >># The neoteny trait has to be unlocked by completing a gold order (or silver, iunno)
>> Anon 25834 basically just sprites no animations, can't believe people throw money this crap
>> Anon 25838 These threads are always nice
>> Anon 25842 Holy hell this game runs smooth as butter now, even on High. This shit is slick.
>> Anon 25843 Btw, the artists & animators have been on vacation I think for the past month
>> Anon 25844 >># You're joking, right?
>> Anon 25847 Engine will change Last few days ago , Adobe has be announced Adobe Flash will be half stop support .
>> Anon 25848 >># No, the game runs very well now compared to before. >># Do you think this or do you know it? If everyone took a month vacation that's pretty fucked, so you better be sure and provide links.
>> Anon 25849 >># Dude... What did you run it on last time, a potato?
>> Anon 25851 >># how long will people continue paying for this game when nothing is added
>> Anon 25860 >># all i read they just changing the name adobe flash to animate
>> Horsie 25862 >># Name change or not, flash is doomed since smartphones made it obsolete. Nowadays you can do all the same stuff you can in flash in HTML5, and even Adobe has tools to convert flash to HTML5, so the change won't have to be too dramatic. Also, HTML5 "flashes" will run on smartphones, and both javascript and the graphic libraries for HTML5 are lots more optimized than flash (because being open = competition) Also again, 3D. You can do amazing things with WebGL. Adobe Flash won't exactly disappear, it just will change format to HTML5.
>> Anon 25881 >># "flash is dead" - everyone, 2011
>> Anon 25882 Flash Player "1996-2015" RIP
>> Anon 25909 >># YOU WON'T KILL FLASH, ZOOM
>> Anon 26493 New Breeding season version is out. Has all ferals in it. Someone get it please.
>> Anon 26498 >># done 
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Created: 4/12 -2015 12:01:58 Last modified: 16/10 -2018 08:46:56 Server time: 17/03 -2025 22:32:50