/ > /fap/ > Thread 8237 Age: 31.36d Health: 1% Posters: 10 Posts: 18 Replies: 14 Files: 1+2
>> Warrior Soul 26391 Jill Valentine In trouble! Jill goes on a routine rescue mission only to fall into the clutches of a deranged serial killer! Looks like it's light's out you useless slut! [IMG] nelfit(1).swf (9.84 MiB) 1280x720, Uncompressed. 833 frames, 25 fps (00:33). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive]
>> Anon 26394 Holy shit, does she have Down Syndrome?
>> Anon 26396 I take it you don't know what the face of a drowning person looks like....
>> Anon 26397 I get that its supposed to look like shes drowning, but I guess SFM (Assuming thats the tool used) just doesnt have the proper tools to portray someone actually drowning.
>> Anon 26398 also whats up with the white line across the screen? (its in the other animation too)
>> Anon 26400 >># has something to do with the graphics card and bloom effects
>> Anon 26401 >># Honestly I think that proper drowning CAN be done, It's just that I don't have enough knowledge of the software and i am only a novice animator atm, as my skill increases I think I can make it a lot more convincing.
>> Anon 26405 Mate, she's making breathing sounds... underwater... fix that shit right away dude
>> Anon 26407 where is the fap
>> Anon 26408 where is the fap is it that white line
>> Anon 26410 FUCKING LOL'D @ 00:18
>> Anon 26412 what drug is she on? she looks high as a kite
>> Anon 26414 Drowning? All it did was make me think I was having an acid flashback. Thank god it wasn't me.
>> Anon 26416 >># The fap comes from the asphyxiation.
>> Anon 26425 >># I take it you don't know what a Downing person's face looks like.
>> Anon 26429 All I could think of with the sound effects was that neat erase effect in Mario Paint.
>> Anon 26441 >># lol The thread that keeps on giving. Happy New Year yall.
>> Anon 26442 Jill Valentine in trouble. She most certainly is...that.