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Threads (1):
File: Rock Vegeta.swf-(3.09 MB, 640x480, Anime) [_] He's about to rock your world Anon 2998090 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2998091 >># Don't post Youtube rips. >> [_] Anon 2998166 >># WHERE IS MY FUCKING DAILY DOSE ??? >> [_] Anon 2998171 tfs is amazing >> [_] Anon 2998173 >># OR post them All you want, because they're 100x Better than that thousands of "Lets make music mixes of Anime girls talking! Cause that's interesting a cool right!?!?!" Seriously, That shit is the cancer of /f/ And I know, Everything on /f/ is SUPPOSED to be Japanese either in content or Origin. But Times have changed, no one is here for that shit anymore, We want content and quality not forced /f/ Memes and the bullshit Animu/2hu bullshit we have. tl'dr, You're a raging Homosexual >> [_] Anon 2998179 >># tuesday is strongest day tho >> [_] Anon 2998183 >># >We want content and quality So, it's settled, then. You're not going to post shitty YT rips anymore. >not forced /f/ Memes and the bullshit Animu/2hu bullshit we have Gtfo newfag. >># >strongest day >not thursday False. >> [_] Anon 2998188 >># I'm genuinely surprised you managed to see which keys to hit in order to make that asinine post. You must have excellent night-vision and a mastery of the keyboard to be able to see with your blackout blinds and through all the cheeto dust on you keyboard. Or maybe you turned on your MLP desklight after brushing aside six or seven empty cans to reach the switch? So many questions, so little is Sure. Except that you're a massive Faggot. >> [_] Anon 2998193 >># I'm not the one making flashes for YT rips. >> [_] Anon 2998196 >># Touche, Sir. Touche. >> [_] Anon 2998216 >># Missed the mark there by half a decade, I'm afraid >># lol what stop being so tsun, anon-san! >> [_] Anon 2998218 >># >STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE WRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGHHH brb, posting a remix of cute anime girls talking >> [_] Anon 2998220 >># >guys stop posting jap shit on this jap board on this jap site >> [_] Anon 2998226 >># In his defense, /f/ isn't a Jap board and this isn't a Jap site. They were originally, but things have changed. >> [_] Anon 2998241 >># >but things have changed For the worse. Consider this: if every single retard who regularly uses any board besides /a/, /m/, /v/, /f/, /g/, /jp/ and the image dumb boards (with the exception of /d/) would be banned today, just imagine how fucking better 4chan would be tomorrow? No more "kek", no more "cuck", no more niggerspeak, no more excessive greentexting, no more blogposting, no more chatrooms and (for the most part) no more retarded meme-spouting from underage /b/tards. Suddenly, 4chan wouldn't be so shit anymore! But yeah, sure, keep enabling these retards by telling them how much they're welcomed here and how much "le japanese imageboard is just le meme!". Soon enough all the "404 girl" jokes wouldn't be jokes anymore. |