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Threads (10):
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3229782 >> [_] Anon 3229791 New daily dose thanks doc
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3026646
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3021266
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3019672
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3016763 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3016782 This guy reminds me of Home Movies so much. >> [_] Anon 3016926 this is oddly entertaining. is this some series? >> [_] Anon 3016932 >># Yeah. its called Dr Katz. Has 80+ episodes. Its like a different, maybe more grown up version of Home Movies. I love it, mainly for the banter between Katz and his son. The comedian interviews are good in some episodes but its alittle hit and miss for me. >> [_] Anon 3016939 >># thanks buddy, found a cheap dvd collection on ebay, gonna order dat shit >> [_] Anon 3016994 Is this Jon H Benjamin? Wow, he's come a really long way. >> [_] Anon 3016997 >># Yeah, it is - it also has a load of other comedians from before they got famous. There's a really young sounding Louis C.K. in one episode.
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3009790 >> [_] Anon 3009827 "what the hell's wrong with you? your skin's like moving around or something "I believe I'm having some sort of seizure"
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3005319 >> [_] Anon 3005398 Artifactvision >> [_] Anon 3005410 good show. >> [_] Anon 3005412 >># I wish I had watched this as it came out >> [_] Anon 3005433 At one point I got confused who was saying which line. It was when the dad was going to bed, and the son was sitting on the couch, trying to guilt him over going to bed instead of going to the roof and checking on the pigeons. It was very strange to me that the son thought it was in any way the dad's fault for whatever may have potentially happened to the pigeons, when it was not only his job, but that the dad had previously asked the son to check on the pigeons before it started snowing. For whatever reason the dad went along with it, and it left me wondering if the dad was supposed to be on the couch and the son going to bed instead of checking on the pigeons. Also the lack of reaction in either one of them to the other's jokes made this fall really flat. I'm not saying it needed outrageous laugh track + the straightman flipping out loudly, but the way they casually ignore the punchlines grew rather annoying as the episode progressed. I couldn't imagine watching an entire series of this, let alone the whole episode. This by the way, must not be the full episode, because after the dad discussed how he would not stay on the roof all day to sit around idly with his son (doing what?), the animation cut off, and the flash didn't loop back around. It simply cut off, with a few seconds more of dialogue, and then a cut-off there too, but there wasn't any fade out or anything. On the surface this just seems like a poorly made animation, but is there something actually missing here just from it's conversion to a flash video? >> [_] Anon 3005446 >># Dr. Katz was a crudely animated cartoon that had much of the dialog improvised. It was more or less a vehicle for cartoon sketch comedy as each episode brought in new patients, I remember comedians like Louie ck and Emo Phillips on the show. It was indeed very poorly made animation. >> [_] Anon 3005461 >># >At one point I got confused who was saying which line. Strange. The two characters have distinct/unique voices and when a character is speaking his face will generally be focused on and his lips will move. I have never had an issue of not knowing who was speaking during the show. >It was very strange to me that the son thought it was in any way the dad's fault for whatever may have potentially happened to the pigeons Perhaps that is because you don't have a good understanding of who the characters are and what their relationship is like. Ben is a lazy coddled NEET with a very loving and responsible father. Ben giving up because something seems hard and trying to push the responsibility onto his dad isn't at all unusual. >Also the lack of reaction in either one of them to the other's jokes made this fall really flat. There is laughter by the characters when a joke is made. Sometimes there isn't when the humor is less direct or of a lighter style but they still emote through their voices showing the humor in the content. >It was more or less a vehicle for cartoon sketch comedy Not really. The show is made by the back and forth between Ben and his father. The comedian therapy sessions is generally more of an afterthought and is almost never was people enjoyed most about the show. >It was indeed very poorly made animation. I disagree. The animation is warm & cozy and gos well with the general laid back vibe of the show. Sure its simplistic but that doesn't make it bad. >> [_] Anon 3005483 >># They have similar mannerisms in their speech, and the whole part just didn't make sense to me at first. Sure, when you describe it like that it doesn't seem unusual for the son, Ben to act that way, but what threw me off was the dad's reaction. There is tolerance and then there is just going along with it, and I expected the dad to be more or less dismissive of what the son said, which was the case after all, but he didn't overtly express it to his son when replying to him, and that was the confusing part. Maybe it is just an issue of empathy, and I can't see myself not correcting the son in that situation.
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3003531 >> [_] Anon 3003562 I never understood why Zone made a flash of especially this series. Guess when you look at all those never-seen indie series she did "parody" in the last years, she always had that weird taste in cartoons. >> [_] !kurwaRB7YU 3003597 Zone has an awesome taste in both animation and music. I honestly don't know where they get all of the music for their hentai loops and flashes, how one gets exposure to so much varied music. >> [_] Anon 3003643 >># >># y'all niggas got the wrong flash, this is just some shitty comic >> [_] Anon 3003661 it froze in the last seconds. I can't believe i watched the whole thing >> [_] Anon 3003664 >># Shitty comic? This is a classic animated show. A more adult version of Home Movies based around a lazy, coddled, insecure city dwelling NEET and his divorced therapist father. >> [_] Anon 3003665 >># Yeah sorry. I know the last few seconds of video freeze. Not really a big deal though. >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 3003670 I dunno. This show was one of those where I could watch for a little bit, like the opening bit here where he's got the job taking care of the pidgons. And then it does the cut away, and does the 2nd part, and it just sort of... bogs down. And you KNOW he's fucked up taking care of the birds, and you wanna see the fuck up bit, but you have to suffer through the stupid book reading, which leads up to the fuck up taking care of them. And it's shit like that why I would end up changing the channel. I'd come back to it, but only after a little while, unless something else caught my attention, which this being late night cable, wouldn't happen.
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3001544 >> [_] Anon 3001547 like shittier home movies >> [_] Anon 3001548 >># fuck you >> [_] Anon 3001649 Post more, this was great. >> [_] Anon 3001662 >># I actually liked the Katz series better though both were great. To each their own though. >># Glad you enjoyed it. Sorry the ending got semi-fucked up... video cuts out a few seconds early I think. Anyway. Don't think I have the energy to make any more tonight but tomorrow or very soon I will try and make some more.
File: Dr Katz - [Snow Day].swf-(8.55 MB, 176x144, Other) [_] Anon 3000649 |