File: Bernie Sanders Exposed.swf-(6.96 MB, 528x304, Other)
[_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)10:18:59 No.3214245
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)13:51:52 No.3214287
What a fat cunt.
>I personally pay almost 50 people too little for them to afford healthcare. What are you going
to do to help ME earn more money, so I can do this to even more people?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:46:09 No.3214308
are you retarded? She's saying her business can't offer them healthcare (mandatory after 50
employees), because if she did she would go bankrupt. It's not about her employees affording
healthcare, it's about her business forced to give healthcare.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:01:59 No.3214332
>I can't continue to expand my poorly managed business because it doesn't make enough money.
>How will the government fix this for me?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:19:54 No.3214342
That isn't what she's saying at all, idiot.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:33:44 No.3214351
Don't bother, that crypto-socialist parasite will never see where his corrosive ideology leads,
even as they are dragged to the gulags.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:52:22 No.3214368
the point here is that his woman is not the 1%, she is just another working class business owner
and here she is getting shit on my bernie who claims to only want the target the """"evil
1%ers"""" but his policies hurt the middle class by ass fucking us with high taxes and government
probing my asshole every time I move
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)16:02:24 No.3214377
I wouldn't work at a place that didnt give health insurance unless it was paying VERY well. I may
not be at my ideal job...but I am fully covered with a low deductible.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)16:13:29 No.3214380
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)16:15:29 No.3214383
they fan fix it my allowing her to hire more than 50 employees by not requiring her to buy them
all health insurance you fucktards.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)16:16:03 No.3214384
>I expanded my business beyond what I should have and stretched my means too thin, since I have
to have more employees than I can afford
>Why is the government trying to ruin me?!
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)16:18:28 No.3214385
I hate flashes like these that bring /pol/ redpillers over to /f/
That being said this guy is a buffoon.
The ACA has done a lot for people without coverage, and more so in the states that voted for
Donald Trump, thats a statistical fact.
Bernie is forced to defend Obamacare because people on the right wishing to repeal it will put
that poor woman in bigger jeopardy of losing her business.
Bernie pushes for the entire debate is a Single Payer system, then she doesnt have to provide
healthcare to her employees because they have it as a right.
With the correct tax reform we can certainly pay to expand Medicare to citizens over age 0. We
can bail out banks for trillions and we have to spend 7 trillion just paying off the Iraq war
alone, we can't stop "stabilizing" the Middle East with our special freedom bombs to think about
using the money on a humanitarian effort?
Like Christ, people like this guy look at the left as a bunch of libtard cucks. when in fact the
message behind progressivism is very positive. We have SJW's and the Neo-Liberals who lead the
progressive wind in public. Safe Spaces and Trigger warnings are a gateway to a left wing brand
of authoritarianism; its censorship. But just as the right would like to ban certain books and
movies due to their sexual/graphic content, its censorship. The far left and the far right are
equally harmful to Government.
But progressivism is smeared by people like this host, who think "socialists" are out to get them.
Here's my question i pose to right-wingers who hate the left and socialism.
Ever heard of the Military?
>biggest socialist program in the United States government
Fucking calling out the left for not fighting for the people, look what despicable things Dems
and Reps are doing! Reps wish to destroy the middle class and hurt business owners, and the dems
are too spineless to put up a halfhearted opposition.
Justice Democrats will prevail!
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)17:00:46 No.3214400
It's fun to watch Liberals try to defend their batshit insane idealogies when it's obvious they
don't actually know anything of what they're talking about.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)17:23:31 No.3214413
who is posting all these literally who videos recently? how did they even find these random
idiots talking into a microphone?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)17:28:04 No.3214416
>It's fun to watch Conservatives try to defend their batshit insane idealogies when it's obvious
they don't actually know anything of what they're talking about.
Literally the discussions we were having 10-11 years ago on this site. Always changes when a
political party's been in power for a while, and the right wing's already got plenty of their own
shitty idiots like the tea party and nazi larpers.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)17:58:15 No.3214427
>nazi larpers
At least they're non-violent working people unlike the NEETs LARPing as revolutionaries and then
retreating to enjoy all the benefits of the society they claim to despise.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)18:09:38 No.3214433
>Defends the conservatives by saying people of the opposing party are "LARPing as revolutionaries
and then retreating to enjoy all the benefits of the society they claim to despise."
That's some serious irony from a guy who's political party considers all those "benefits" to be
the worst things ever and wants to deregulate and dismantle nearly government spending on it's