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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 77. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Why I Left the Left.swf-(8.59 MB, 528x304, Other) [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)09:59:16 No.3214243 >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)10:07:45 No.3214244 >>3214243 still a fucking degenerate >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)10:22:37 No.3214246 >>3214243 YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)10:51:46 No.3214249 I was with him until he mentioned trigger warnings. Still don't understand how they differ at all from any other kind of content advisory warning. Describing content that people might not want to watch/read/whatever is a pretty basic courtesy and everything from porn to vidya does it. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)10:54:14 No.3214250 >>3214249 just don't watch /pol/ youtuberips and you'll be fine >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)11:12:01 No.3214252 >>3214250 This is not /pol/ and this is not ok. #notmyvideo >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)11:30:24 No.3214254 >>3214249 There's a difference between an MPAA warning that a film contains mild language, and a trigger warning that a film uses exclusively binary gender pronouns >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)11:36:54 No.3214255 >>3214254 Has anyone ever actually done this? Like, could I have an example? I'm not even calling you a liar or anything, it's just that I've never come across this before and that would be fucking stupid if this really happened. Graphic rape or lynchings or shit like that I'd get people warning about, but gender pronouns? seriously? >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)11:41:36 No.3214257 He was sopt on about pretty much everything Only the trigger warnings that are actually not a deal at all; only the most retarded libshit actually use this and people that mock them >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)11:52:58 No.3214259 >>3214255 Go to college. Then neck yourself. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)11:53:09 No.3214260 >>3214243 Anyone know what he was talking about with the catholics? I hope he wasn't equating taxing the church to forcing them to pay for abortion. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)11:53:45 No.3214261 >>3214252 /pol/, lgbtq or any other guaranteed replies youtuberips belong to their respective boards or simply to >>>/trash/ >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)11:54:40 No.3214262 >>3214259 So that's a no? >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)12:02:30 No.3214263 don't like this channel. they spread as much stupid right winged ideologies as the left does. although I must say I do tend to agree with them more than their left winged counterparts. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)12:05:20 No.3214264 >>3214262 Apparently someone hasn't been to college. You can pick at least thousands of examples of both censorship, and straight up rioting because the regressive left hates certain ideas. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)12:05:48 No.3214265 >>3214255 >>3214262 The ride has begun. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)12:10:48 No.3214266 >>3214264 did he say anything about censorship? How about you go to preschool so you can learn to read. He was asking for a real example of trigger warnings being used frivolously. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)12:15:00 No.3214267 >>3214264 I'm at college now. The only time I've ever gotten a "trigger warning" was for stuff that discussed sexual assault, generally speaking. There was also a chick in the anime club who was really big on them, but who gives a shit about that? What bothers me a lot more than "trigger warnings" (which, at their worst, really are just content warnings, not censorship) are Republican efforts to legislate what can and can't be taught at colleges: for example, republican senators trying to strip funding from schools that happen to have Simone de Beauvoir or whoever on the syllabus because "gender theory" sounds like they're teachin mah kids to be queermos! Restricting what ideas can and can't be taught using the carrot & stick of federal funding to what are supposed to be public schools sounds a lot more like "regressive censorship" than "hey guys, this one's about murderrape in case that makes anybody uncomfortable." >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)12:18:32 No.3214268 >>3214255 the closest thing I saw to shit like that was some company that was selling movies, but you could set the movie to have no nudity or vulgar language or slave related instances and it would skip those scenes with those parts. the company ended up getting sued by the publishers of those movies since they were selling the movies for 2 dollars depending on how manny filters you had on. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)12:54:38 No.3214276 >>3214264 why do cuckservatives act like colleges and universities are fucking breeding grounds for easily offended SJWs? they are a few students at a few universities, not the entire fucking student body get your head out of your ass >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)12:59:12 No.3214279 >>3214264 Because the right has totally never tried to insert their own shitty opinions into the education system. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)13:04:03 No.3214281 >>3214276 probably cause they need to justify themselves never having attended one. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)13:06:45 No.3214282 fucking waste of human life >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)13:16:28 No.3214283 >>3214255 >Has anyone ever actually done this? My campus bookstore started putting trigger warning stickers on books >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)13:56:48 No.3214288 >>3214283 But that's even LESS restrictive than MPAA ratings -- any motherfucker can pick up a book and ignore the stickers, but if a film has an R rating the theatre isn't supposed to let kids in on their own. You're just proving his point that trigger warnings literally do not matter. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:09:03 No.3214290 I'm from the second world and what is a trigger warning? I mean I've read the thread but I just can't put my head aorund it >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:19:44 No.3214292 >>3214290 Like the Anon above said, it's basically a content warning so that people who've been raped before or whatever know that they're about to watch a movie with a rape scene in it or whatever. They make Republicans and /pol/tards very upset >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:20:55 No.3214293 >>3214290 trigger warnings are warnings for things that might trigger someone for example, if you are obese you might have a trigger for food and you will start eating food if you see images of food. so they want to put in a warning that an image of food is going to show up before it shows up so people that might be triggered by food can choose to look away although the warning is just as effective as the image itself another example is that people who do not identify as male or female go by different pronounce. so if you get their pronounces wrong they will get triggered or something I'm not sure how it works >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:22:35 No.3214294 >>3214288 That's theater policy (which may be informed by trade groups the theater or chain is associated with). Technically, they could let anyone into anything. It saves them time and trouble in the long run (such as by not running afoul of local obscenity or corruption of minors laws) to just prevent legally defined children from seeing R-rated films. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:29:59 No.3214297 >>3214294 Ah, that's true. But that still means they're more relevant than trigger warnings. >>3214293 >I'm not sure how it works There's no shame in admitting you don't know what you're talking about, except when you waste ~100 words talking about it anyway. >pronounce sasuga ESL-kun >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:32:30 No.3214298 >>3214290 It can be used to drive agendas by making hypersensitive people create interpersonal conflict over mundane things. A trigger warning divides the social space. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:34:02 No.3214299 >>3214290 A trigger warning is a warning that there may be content that can trigger strong emotional responses without warning. Despite what you read on 4chan and certain other websites, the basic concept isn't that bad and is not in any way intended to restrict free speech. An example of an appropriately applied Trigger Warning might be a warning in advance that the classical literature Salo, or The 128 Days of Sodom contains intense scenes of both forced and statuatory rape and violence of underage persons children both male and female, as well as numerous other forms of sexual abuse. It also contains descriptions of murders, kidnappings, and other disturbing acts and the intesely debased men and women who perform these acts. This work was so controversial that the opening several pages are essentially one long trigger warning to the original 18th century audience. Another appropriate usage might be in warning that a film includes intense scenes of realistic war footage, which might provoke flashbacks in soldiers and others who have been in those circumstances. An inappropriate usage of a trigger warning would be a suggestion that a book may only include binary gender pronouns. There is no reasonable expectation that any rational person would have an intense emotional reaction to the terms "him" and "her." These sorts of trigger warnings are designed to restrict speech by suggesting that normal speech patterns and words are inappropriate from a moral perspective. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:36:38 No.3214301 >>3214298 what a great way to not convey any useful information about trigger warnings. You quite literally just told him what to think about trigger warnings based on your agenda. Quite ironic actually. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:38:45 No.3214302 >>3214301 Not Anon, but maybe you should define it for him rather than belittle his opinions from a spectator point of view. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:40:26 No.3214304 >>3214302 there are already adequate definitions posted here, that would be redundant. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:44:34 No.3214307 >>3214304 Adequate in that they don't describe why people make Youtube videos about them. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:46:45 No.3214309 >>3214307 Anon, nobody gives a shit about your YT channel. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)14:51:03 No.3214313 The particular group of conservative-minded folks he is talking about switch sides to whatever political party or social movement is in power or popular every few years. Happened to the beatniks, to the mods, to the hippies, to the furries, happened during G.W. Bush's administration, and again during Obama's. They're loud and tend to either parrot what someone else in the group told them without understanding what they're talking about or try to twist it to their own conservative desires. Good example would be the Tea Party, the last handful gaggle of these conservative conformists upset that their right wing president lost after the republicans were in power for so long, out of desperation and desire for any sense of control in their lives they formed a political party without a super-unified message or any research of their own stance (originally protesting paying taxes Obama put into place but they were protesting tax codes that George W Bush put in place). I'm still doing research and hope to write something about it and don't have a good name for this group that doesn't sound dumb or especially demeaning, but sheeple was a popular term for a while. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:02:14 No.3214333 >>3214313 Don't bother. By calling them a "group," you've already made a mistake: this "group," as you're calling it, allegedly spans 70+ years and takes up similar causes each time? That's obviously untrue. They're not that homogeneous. They're just conservatives, and they have just the same tendencies to parrot as liberals do. The interesting stuff, the actually interesting research, is in how to get people to STOP "parroting," or to examine how parroting might differ nominally between groups (one interesting example: traditionally, in American politics, conservatives "parrot" their stances from talk radio, while liberals "parrot" their stances from actors and comedians). You're not doing that: you're just saying, "look at those people, so different from me and so, so stupid." Here's a hint: if you're even considering using "sheeple" unironically, you've already fucked up. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:04:35 No.3214334 >>3214313 Forgot to mention they also ruined shit for salad bar christians across the US as well as atheists with the whole atheism+ bullshit. >>3214290 Basically warning against words that might bring back horrible memories of something that inflicted PTSD on a person such as being raped or grievously wounded or watching someone die was the initial idea, but that definition was twisted to cover much less devastating and more mild discomforting things. But some example words that might trigger those sorts of flashbacks to some event that gave a person PTSD would be "viscera" "cannibalism" "murder" "rape" "incest" "child porn" "forced prostitution" and similar terms. It's expanded a lot to only using male/female/nonspecific gender pronouns and things like "pomegranate" and "carnivore" >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:13:43 No.3214338 >>3214334 The croutons in my Cesar salad will never be the same. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:19:27 No.3214341 >>3214333 I concur and couldn't think of a proper term other than group. And I am loathe to the term sheeple, I simply brought it up as it's a term that's been used in the past but don't think it's a good term at all. They don't take up similar causes each time, just ones that are popular and in power. It's difficult to write this without falling prey to the whole "othering" that alienates a lot of folks. They're not necessarily stupid, but tend to conform to whatever popular mob mentality is going on at the time. A common thread though is that these folks frequently demand power to their kind of people, and once they have power, there's the old adage of "power corrupts" and all that. I don't have a stance that agrees or disagrees with the notion to stop parroting, but I'd say perhaps critical thinking courses at younger ages but that also carries a lot of baggage and its own set of conflicts and problems. >>3214338 The term refers to how many christian denominations across the US pick and choose whatever parts of the old and new testaments to adhere to and to ignore. And the bacon bits are those faux ones that are a little rubbery, shame about the croutons, I am sorry for your lots. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:31:20 No.3214348 This whole thread is full of liberals trying to justify trigger warnings. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic, and a startlingly accurate cross-section of modern western academia, which is now a global laughingstock. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:36:51 No.3214354 >>3214348 Not at all if you actually read, many liberals hate the notion of trigger warnings and censorship. But I'm sure you're just shitposting/baiting. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:39:16 No.3214355 The wonderful thing about triggers, is triggers are wonderful things! They don't need a doctor's prescription, they're self-diagnosable things! But the most wonderful thing about triggers is you can have more than one! >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:42:22 No.3214357 >>3214298 >>3214299 >>3214334 those triggers are very specific I mean if I wanted to watch something I research it if it has these kinds of things so I know what I'm going to watch/read I double mean that a fucking book wouldn't throw at me a child rape or a suicide attempt out of nowhere I triple mean if I'm a depressed fuck I'm not going to read/watch deppresing shit or am I getting this wrong? >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:43:38 No.3214359 >>3214354 Yeah? Probably, but if it wasn't for banter and funposting, liberals would have run trigger warnings into our ascending colons by now. I will not, nor shall I ever kowtow to the mental midgets of the degenerate Left. Oops, I should have put a trigger warning on that word. >> [_] Totally not :v 02/12/17(Sun)15:43:40 No.3214360 >>3214348 I think what people see is the loudest shit flingers and that's it. I went to an American Unis had a great time. No problems with safe spaces triggers or any of that because I was too busy with what I went there to do. IMO people on both sides have too much free time and would much rather spend it complaining when they could be working. Every class I help teach has pretty much zero awareness of what's going on campus because they simply don't have the time to play make-believe social revolutionary. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:44:01 No.3214361 >>3214354 shutup YOU'RE A WHITE MALE HOW DARE YOU GROW UP IN A COUNTRY BUILT BY YOUR WHITE MALE ANCESTORS PRIVILEGED PRIVILEGEDDDDDDDDDDD >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:46:34 No.3214363 >>3214357 So essentially trigger warnings are spoilers so the babies masquerading as adults can mentally prepare for the consumption of a given media? Glad we cleared that up. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:53:21 No.3214369 >>3214348 Nobody ITT has had to justify trigger warnings, because nobody's shown an actual example of how they're used to "censor" speech. >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:53:58 No.3214370 >>3214360 You're clearly the exception, not the rule. Meanwhile, this hilarious shit is happening. History-illiterate Antifa "social revolutionaries" beat and chase a Jewish student while calling him a Nazi pig. This shit literally writes itself, man. Why even be tangentially related to what is essentially an anarchic terrorist group? >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:58:59 No.3214373 >>3214370 >/pol/ calling people out for being antisemitic >> [_] Anonymous 02/12/17(Sun)15:59:57 No.3214374 >>3214369 >I don't want to read this book on history because there's a trigger warning on it. >I don't want to go to that movie with my friends/family because the trigger warning I read on |