File: Amazon Echo.swf-(9.35 MB, 640x368, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)00:47:56 No.3254666
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)02:37:05 No.3254690
not perfect but i had my chuckle
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)03:58:03 No.3254715
This made my ribs hurt
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)04:15:16 No.3254722
Bad trips, man.
Why does the VO sound like Alex Jones? :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)04:26:11 No.3254724
How could that be???
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)04:33:31 No.3254727
It's a buttfucking MYSTERY, MAN!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)10:47:13 No.3254752
my sides are gone... i need moar
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)11:02:11 No.3254753
10/10. would buy
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)11:41:54 No.3254761
Possibly a contender for the dumbest invention. Apparently google is too hard for most people.
Not to mention amazon or the government are probably listening in to the devices.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)14:32:09 No.3254783
not enough gay frogs 0/10
>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/17(Sun)14:39:04 No.3254784
The only people who'd tap into that thing are the FBI.
In any case, it's just a glorified hands-free google, which only would come in handy in cooking
and that's about it.