File: sapphire.swf-(8.56 MB, 800x600, Porn)
[_] /r/ Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)23:13:41 No.3224004
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)23:27:10 No.3224009
what do besides hit space?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)23:31:06 No.3224011
question existence.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)23:48:01 No.3224018
Paper is a passcode,
then something with Y, and then that's all
>> [_] Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)23:49:30 No.3224019
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)00:20:11 No.3224032
Keys that I've found:
>type yokai
>Press space until stomach full of cum
>click on tits on the right, get red key and code LTSOUT
>type bewarethedepths
>get blue key and code DNCHN
>Type paper
>new girl, fill stomach with cum
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)00:21:19 No.3224034
Also, resizing after typing paper, I noticed a little green dude on the left side, kinda hidden.
Might be a clue.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)00:25:53 No.3224038
What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with that dick
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)00:42:58 No.3224045
Pressing 1 mutes the music, and pressing it makes the song to Sapphire's song, no matter who you
being sucked by.
Pressing 2 mutes the licking, but not the swallowing.
Not sure if there is a key for Sapphire or Vivian.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)00:43:23 No.3224046
I noticed there's no way to get back to sapphire once you've typed in one of the passwords.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)00:49:47 No.3224049
I've seen plenty of dicks, but not one of them looked like whatever fuck that is.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)00:58:37 No.3224052
Looks like a preview or some shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)02:21:29 No.3224093
If you hit B then N it makes an error sound
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)03:34:41 No.3224108
Considering the password that starts with B does not immediately have a following N, I don't see
what the point of this observation is.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)04:23:58 No.3224114
it's BEWARETHEDEP- something, or BEWARETHEDE- something. if you try to write two letters from
existing codes (paper or yokai) it stops giving the error sound, yet doesnt activate the short
code. i figure the short codes are mute and the error sound is played when only the long code
goes wrong
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)04:29:02 No.3224116
Read the thread, this anon explained it already >>3224032
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)04:29:40 No.3224117
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)04:30:42 No.3224118
i cant brain today
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/17(Mon)04:31:55 No.3224119
we gotta find rest of the codes, i think this is going somewhere