File: No More Medicine v2.swf-(3.18 MB, 500x377, Loop)
[_] Guys, I need help Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)06:15:14 No.3224458
When I'm trying to open a swf on /f/, it starts downloading, but doesn't open in new tab, like it
used to.
So how can I fix it?
I tried to reinstall adobe flash already.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)06:29:05 No.3224462
Change browser, bud.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)06:29:50 No.3224463
Is that the only way?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)06:34:17 No.3224464
>open one flash
>make thread about the "problem" immediately
Being a newfag is one thing.
Not being able to read the only page of topics is stupidity on another level.
Helpful OP even spams his thread all the time.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)06:41:35 No.3224465
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)14:47:33 No.3224569
I'd just like to say that I really, really dislike the v2. Making the retry interactive
completely misses the point of the flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)15:53:21 No.3224603
Chrome stopped supporting flash automatically since it is outdated and potantionaly dangerous.
However, you can easily enable it again by typing: chrome:plugins
in the adress bar and then enabling flash player.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)16:03:30 No.3224607
That point would only be valid if there is something that could match flash. You don't just
replace the png or jpg formats simply because they're 20 and 24 years old respectively.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)16:16:01 No.3224612
Yeah I wanted to use " " for that but forgot. Basically a lot of things that flash was used for
is now done by html 5.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)16:22:27 No.3224616
>html 5
At an inferior quality compared to flash. There's tons of lag, even when just using it to stream
youtube videos and the worst part is that html5 doesn't seem to natively support vector
animations, at least not in the same drawn way that flash allows.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/17(Tue)16:25:22 No.3224618
I like flash too but why are companies stopping the support for flash then?