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This is resource D8XBP04, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3226498/white-guys-can… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16. Discovered flash files: 1
File: Catgroove.swf-(6.6 MB, 480x272, Loop) [_] White guys can dance! Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)05:59:47 No.3226498 dis chaengd ma lief! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)06:02:58 No.3226499 >>3226498 This video is 7+ years old. Post something more recent, he has been posting regularly since that time. >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)06:44:23 No.3226511 >>3226499 >stop enjoying things i don't like >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)07:23:23 No.3226517 >>3226511 That's not what they said at all. Simply saying this dude has done way more since then. Youtube is TakeSomeCrime btw >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)07:28:06 No.3226519 What's this song, I feel like I recognise it from OFF >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)07:35:35 No.3226520 >>3226519 Parov Stelar - Catgroove https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXrdYwG17PE >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)07:45:07 No.3226523 >>3226517 yeah theyre all dumb as fuck tho >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)08:18:25 No.3226530 >>3226517 He is a nigger, it's not like he can understand a post with more than 6 words. >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)09:06:23 No.3226551 Don't mind me I'm just here to see the niggers rage >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)13:04:14 No.3226600 yhe but we wuz king n shiet >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)13:24:11 No.3226603 >>3226600 >yhe but we wuz king n shiet even google translate couldn't help me with that >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)13:31:17 No.3226605 https://translate.google.com/?hl=en#auto/en/yhe%20but%20we%20wuz%20king%20n%20shiet >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)14:22:06 No.3226615 >>3226499 >come to a flash board >look for things that aren't outdate >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)16:34:01 No.3226633 >>3226499 >when I think /f/, I think quality >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)17:55:20 No.3226656 >>3226517 what happened to that video of him in the gold skinsuit? I remember enjoying that one >> [_] Anonymous 03/20/17(Mon)17:57:17 No.3226658 >>3226499 go to your room and think about what you've done |