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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 26. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Little-Dead-Kids.swf-(8.26 MB, 256x144, Loop) [_] Did you ever notice? Anonymous 06/06/17(Tue)15:37:49 No.3251463 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 06/06/17(Tue)16:45:46 No.3251486 >>3251463 I'm pretty sure at least two of those kids looked white to me. >> [_] Anonymous 06/06/17(Tue)16:49:39 No.3251490 >>3251463 couldn't tell you I don't watch mainstream media nor any media in fact >> [_] Anonymous 06/06/17(Tue)17:57:19 No.3251502 I feel like we're making a fuss where there's no need to make a fuss... >> [_] Anonymous 06/06/17(Tue)20:58:08 No.3251547 >>3251486 Almost all of those kids look white to me >> [_] Anonymous 06/06/17(Tue)21:40:53 No.3251561 >>3251547 are you some sand nigger? they are certainly not white. or you never seen a real dead little kid white? >> [_] Anonymous 06/06/17(Tue)22:38:36 No.3251571 >>3251502 not a fuss...just pointing out they show dead kids to make you go to war but won't show you dead kids to get angry >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)00:10:03 No.3251594 So this is what they call JAQing off, right? >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)00:21:23 No.3251602 >>3251571 and its nothing to do with fact that in west relatives of said dead kids will rip new asshole for those news agency's who will decide show little white kids without permission >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)00:51:50 No.3251624 >>3251463 >That pixelation Come on, anon. >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)00:58:57 No.3251627 Huh. Who woulda thought. I wonder just (((who))) is behind that. >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)02:17:44 No.3251653 >>3251463 Yeah gee, I wonder which group would gain the most from dehumanizing muslims. >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)02:43:13 No.3251658 I figure that A) the tragedies that news agencies love to get uncensored pictures of happen primarily to brown kids, and B) tragedies in white nations have emergency responders who keep reporters the fuck away, whether kids are involved or not. >>3251547 One was probably white, two were questionable because of the poor resolution, the rest were definitely not white. >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)04:25:30 No.3251677 Are these people retarded? They show dead shitskins to guilt whites into taking more "refugees". They don't show dead white kids because that might wake up some of the people to the very fucking reason they shouldn't be taking in "refugees". They're literally using this for narrative while at the same time screaming that it's racist? How many levels of globalist agenda are they on? >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)05:22:20 No.3251692 >>3251486 Spotted the "white" American. Fucking mutt. >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)06:44:12 No.3251712 Little dead kids on the hill side Little dead kids lying on ticky tacky Little dead kids Little dead kids Little dead kids all the same There's a red one and a black one and a brown one and a yellow one and they're all lying on a ticky tacky and there's not a single white >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)06:52:10 No.3251713 >>3251712 damn now i want to see the music video! >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)07:07:01 No.3251721 >>3251712 Isn't that the Green's theme song? >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)07:13:02 No.3251723 >>3251721 it's supposed to be a parody on Little boxes dunno what Green's theme song is >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)07:38:56 No.3251725 Using kids deaths to promote your political view. Nice. I don't get what the problem the OP of the video has. Also, saying those kids are "brown" is absolute ignorance >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)09:10:24 No.3251739 >>3251725 >Also, saying those kids are "brown" is absolute ignorance Stop being a faggot, that's the color of their skin, so it's not inaccurate. Imagine if whites got all offended whenever somebody called them white rather than their actual ethnicity, German, English, French, etc. etc. >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)09:22:05 No.3251742 >>3251463 wonder if this is monetized on youtube >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)09:24:51 No.3251743 >>3251739 Well, it is a loop >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)09:29:01 No.3251745 White kids actually have value and would be disrespectful to the families to show their dead bodies on national TV. Brown kids are a dime a dozen and nobody gives a shit if their decapitated head is shown worldwide, so they're used by the left mainstream media to push an pro immigration agenda. Now take this shit to /pol/. >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)09:58:41 No.3251748 >>3251677 >How many levels Countless... maybe more. Imagine... >> [_] Anonymous 06/07/17(Wed)10:00:39 No.3251749 >>3251745 >dime a dozen Ha, you couldn't PAY me to take 'em. Other than that, THIS. |