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This is resource E6X80AG, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/3 -2017 08:45:44

Ended:29/3 -2017 16:59:25

Checked:29/3 -2017 20:35:31

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Konata_Healing_Springs.swf-(6.19 MB, 480x360, Loop)
[_] Recently started playing Chrono Trigger Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)02:43:42 No.3229430

  First time playing it, I cracked up hard at the trial, was hoping I could get an actual bad end
  and be executed though, that'd be hilarious.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)03:19:16 No.3229435

  My favorite RPG of all time.
  I hope your enjoying it.
  which version are you playing?
  snes, ps1, or nds?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)03:39:21 No.3229448

  Great game. I had it for about two weeks only, but loved it.
  Hate Konata, I don't get how anyone could like this instead of the actual melody.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)03:50:28 No.3229453

  I bought the DS version from some guy on ebay for $20 a while back, just now getting around to
  playing it. Very fun so far.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)06:14:13 No.3229487

  One of my favorite games, I haven't played it in years. I never completely finished it.
  They're both good.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)06:16:38 No.3229488

  That would be my recommended choice for playing it.
  it combines the cinematics of ps1 with the sprite scenes of snes while adding a bunch of goodies
  like a collection of the endings you've gotten.
  yasunori mitsueda really sold the game with his music.
  the monster arena is neat but kinda feels like cheating as it was never in the original.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)06:20:03 No.3229491

  oh, and don't use a guide you fool, no need to spoil yourself. I remember being caught off guard
  when the choices I made prior actually mattered in the trial, glad I didn't spoil that for myself.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)08:17:24 No.3229508

  Yeah, I'm not using a guide, going in blind

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)10:26:46 No.3229524

  Try and get the quick ending in new game+

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)10:43:09 No.3229529

  they still make games with 2D graphics but it'd be nice to see more games with genuinely
  beautiful art like this.
Created: 29/3 -2017 08:45:44 Last modified: 29/3 -2017 20:36:01 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:12:09