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Age: 88.38d Health: 0% Posters: 9 Posts: 10 Replies: 8 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 6feb2017(mo)05:43 No.43884 OP P1
[IMG] boooooooo by minus8 (song MACROSS 82-99 - Horsey (fea...swf (4.24 MiB)
720x480, Compressed. 4482 frames, 30 fps (02:29).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 6feb2017(mo)06:13 No.43885 A P2R1
No actual porn here, but catchy song.
>> Anonymous 6feb2017(mo)06:17 No.43886 B P3R2
I wouldn't be able to fap to this, but still a great flash.
>> Anonymous 6feb2017(mo)12:03 No.43892 C P4R3
Looks like -8 is dead set on turning all mario creatures into monster girls
>> Anonymous 6feb2017(mo)23:29 No.43904 D P5R4
What the fuck is this? I kept waiting for the porn part to start and it just kept bouncing around!
What the fuck am I supposed to do with this erection?
>> Anonymous 7feb2017(tu)00:17 No.43908 E P6R5
flipping nice, and it isn't even porn!
ive no idea who any of these characters are and i dont recognize the music either. am i getting old?
>> Anonymous 7feb2017(tu)00:46 No.43911 E P7
Found music source:
>マクロスMACROSS 82-99 - Horsey (Feat. Sarah Bonito)
>> Anonymous 8feb2017(we)08:48 No.43964 F P8R6
Is no one going to mention the fact that at the end there is this toothed beast of all worlds right
behind your right ear singing the song?
>> Anonymous 13feb2017(mo)03:03 No.44102 G P9R7
If you look at the video she should actually be behind the left ear, immersion ruined.
>> Anonymous 13feb2017(mo)06:44 No.44110 H P10R8
Most people will associate the directions mirror-like and not real-life-flipped when they look on
the screen.
After all, it's the mirror of our souls :3