File: ABigPopsicle.swf-(4.53 MB, 800x600, Loop)
[_] ur gay now Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)15:39:25 No.3221081
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)15:40:44 No.3221082
but she's a girl now so it's okay
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)19:10:32 No.3221147
Oh, shit, I'm sorry
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)19:30:40 No.3221152
What the fuck is with the part where they put the whole fucking thing in their mouth but it
doesn't point down into their throat? I'm not going to act like I know shit about sicking dicks,
but if it's just going straight back to the back of your head, and it's bigger than your fucking
face, wouldn't it just bust out the back of your head? This doesn't make any fucking sense. Also
am I gay because she becomes a woman? Is this meant to be porn? this is just more confusing than
it is alluring...
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)19:36:34 No.3221154
Wake up Neo, the closet has you!
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)19:55:41 No.3221163
Still, gay or not whatever, this still makes no fucking sense. Weird porn or not, it should still
obey physics. If God wasn't a rat-monkey this kind of shit would have been taken care of by now.
NO worries though mates, after the ascension none of this will last...
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)20:00:25 No.3221164
Not me. I don't know what the fuck this guy's on.
I was just standin' here. Tom cruise locked himself in the closet an they say...
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)20:01:27 No.3221165
Who's there? Mac is that you? Fuck is it me? I don't... I don't know how it
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)20:03:20 No.3221170
Wait... is that me? Mac is that you? how the fuck could it be me? the post number say it is? how
would it even do
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)21:02:17 No.3221198
I can't believe I sat through that whole thing, god damn it, it was not worth it.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)21:19:59 No.3221208
it just gets worse, what the shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)22:12:10 No.3221222
That was a pretty fucking gay way to eat a popsicle.
Welcome to the future.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/17(Sat)22:45:28 No.3221233
Let me just eat this popsicle
>change into woman, complete with clothes altering effects
oh, i made a mess on my huge tits that magically appeared, better not even mention it and just
act like this always happens when i eat frozen sugar water
How can one flash get so much wrong?