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This is resource GCVXDT5, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/2 -2017 22:29:53

Ended:21/2 -2017 01:52:53

Checked:21/2 -2017 05:45:30

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File: campaign failed.swf-(2.97 MB, 711x588, Loop)
[_] so I picked up DS2 after a while Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)16:16:45 No.3217297

  and didn't know where I stopped so I just went to the frozen castle (or whatever the fuck it's
  called) and fought Aava
  for those who forgot who Aava is it's that fucking tiger guarding the bridge from the Ivory king
  DLC and I take it it's supposed to be a troll boss because hit boxes don't need to apply for him
  I guess

  it took me 4 hours before I realized that the stat I wasn't upgrading at all (adaptability),
  because it doesn't tell you jack shit what it does, is the most important especially in this
  encounter as it makes you invincible after rolling for more frames

  now I've beaten him but I don't feel any happier about it

  DS2 is truly the worst from the series

>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)16:24:48 No.3217298

  nice art, oc?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)16:27:07 No.3217299

  nah, if you resize the window you'll see that it's almost 2 months since the first time it's been

>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)18:03:42 No.3217313


  how about the art, not the music

>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)18:12:17 No.3217316

  That a dude wearing Faraam armor? Best armor imo

  I went through Dark Souls 1 again today and just breezed through, remembering all the times I had
  stayed stuck on one part because I was too stupid to figure it out.

  >fuck Sen's Fortress.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)18:31:31 No.3217320

  I wish I could make pixel art but sadly I don't
  it's made by Bandygrass you can resize the window and click on his name to get to his tumblr
  looks like some kind of a robe than an armor

  first time I've played DS1 I played it with a guide on youtube and I was using uchigatana the
  whole game because the guy said it was good
  when I was playing it again I've found the black knight's halberd and it was like I've found a
  fucking excalibur. Basically I just ploughed through the game with it

  also I never knew about the cage elevator in the sens fortress until I saw it in a video and I
  used to go back and forth from anor londo to firelink shrine many many times

>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)19:14:54 No.3217333


  First time I ran through the game, I went the complete opposite way of Undead Burg and plunged
  straight into the spooky skeletal catacombs. I figured it was just supposed to be that hard
  because Dark Souls and all, so I toughed it out. Ended up getting Black Knight Halberd off a
  lucky drop and then going back the way I was supposed to with ridiculously OP stats and equipment.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)19:47:33 No.3217347

  yeah the exploring is fine when you're supposed to be there but it can dick you over when you're
  somewhere where you're simply
  underleveled and blindly going through and rushing while avoiding enemies and taking a risk
  entering the fog just to encounter
  a boss who you simply cannot beat because your weapon breaks halfway through the battle
  I'm talking about Iron Passage in DS2
Created: 20/2 -2017 22:29:53 Last modified: 21/2 -2017 05:45:31 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:33:16