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This is resource H492QH1, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/2 -2017 02:24:35

Ended:11/2 -2017 09:19:02

Checked:11/2 -2017 09:33:40

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: LostPotential.swf-(3.69 MB, 500x375, Loop)
[_] Feels Inside Anonymous 02/10/17(Fri)20:23:08 No.3213622

  > Be me
  > In highschool
  > Have Senpai
  > She shows interest in me
  > Mfw I like this other chick over her
  > I just liked the chick cause she was an artfag
  > Talk to senpai every night
  > msn style, we were og
  > Sit infront/behind eachother on the bus everyday
  > Talk every day
  > Eat lunch together every day
  > Senpai is a solid 7/10
  > Chick I'm going for is an 8
  > Mfw I'm a 6 at best
  > Senpai leaves to college
  > She doesn't have a phone
  > Barely checks her Fb
  > Msn died
  > We drift apart
  > I never end up getting the other girl
  > Highschool ends for me
  > I applied to the same school as senpai
  > Just because a lot of my friends are going there
  > Turns out I applied for the same program she's in
  > I didn't even realize
  > See her in the halls
  > Start to notice all the signs she sent me years earlier
  > How I ignored them because I liked someone else
  > OhshitWhatHaveIDone.jpg
  > I could have been with this chick
  > Talk to her from time to time when we see each other in the halls
  > First year goes by for me
  > Second year almost ends
  > Get Fb message
  > Anon we should hang out before I graduate
  > DreamComeTrue.png
  > Take her to a local mall
  > Eat and talk about old times
  > Run out of topics and start talking about weird shit
  > We're both introverts
  > I end up saying cringy shit
  > Wanting to kill myself for being this cringe
  > Haven't seen her since
  > It's my last semester 3rd year
  > End up helping out one of her friends that failed and was held back during second year
  > Always help her out just so hopefully word I'm a nice guy will get back to senpai
  > Friend says today that when her year graduated someone made a year book and had horrible
  mentions with three people: Her, Some Cuck, and holy shit my Senpai failed
  > Friend says she still might come back to finish it this semester before the cut off line
  > The other section is full
  > If she comes back she's going to my section
  > There's one open computer
  > It's one of the one's right next to me
  > Please god

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/17(Fri)20:23:52 No.3213623

  I made this thread yesterday, then slept so long it 404'd

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/17(Fri)20:29:47 No.3213627

  isnt this by kinoko teikoku?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/17(Fri)21:12:48 No.3213638

  yeah it is, great album

  Why haven't you messaged her yourself? You didn't mention losing contact. What are you waiting

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/17(Fri)21:23:25 No.3213642

  I mean we haven't talked since, the only thing I have is her Fb, seems like a touchy subject to
  just bring up out of the blue.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/17(Sat)00:09:52 No.3213715


>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/17(Sat)00:17:34 No.3213719

  Well, you were her friend, right? It's only natural for you to be concerned about her. You should
  message her what that other person said and mention that at least it'd be nice to be able to see
  her again.

  I mean, you didn't answer my question about you were waiting for, either, which makes me think
  that there's no reason not to do it now.

>> [_] Faggot (¬‿¬) 02/11/17(Sat)00:25:11 No.3213722



>> [_] Q_Q 02/11/17(Sat)00:45:24 No.3213733

  Y'all are right, I need to stop being such a beta cuck and man up, not like there's anything to
  loose here I guess since we don't talk much anyways.

  Thanks anons

>> [_] Faggot (¬‿¬) 02/11/17(Sat)00:47:22 No.3213735


  This is for you anon~

  You're not a beta cuck friendo. Don't tell yourself that. You will be if you don't do anything
  and let the feels get to you like most greentext stories end up.

  You're a macho macho man, and we all have faith in you. Just don't cringe it up please friendo.
  Have faith, and never, ever give up.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/17(Sat)02:48:03 No.3213782

  my stepfather is dying of cancer.
  my sister tried to kill herself last weekend for the 2nd time and no doctors will help
  my 15 year old little brother is missing and hooked on a number of drugs
  tommorrow I have to go see my real father for likely the last time as he was just diagnosed with
  a terminal heart condition which is awkward because he's a child molester amongst other things.
  I'm living in a house full of black mold that leaks water on my bed and taking care of all these
  people and my sisters baby(but not my dad).
  I'm 26 years old, can't drive and have never had sex(unless you count with my older sister at age

>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/17(Sat)02:56:25 No.3213787

  Pretty fucked up.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/17(Sat)03:04:40 No.3213790

  Kek, yeah.
  I somehow came out of my childhood much, much more functional than my siblings and have managed
  to hold down the same job for the last 6 years so I can hold what's left together.
Created: 11/2 -2017 02:24:35 Last modified: 11/2 -2017 09:34:28 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:54:55