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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7. Discovered flash files: 1 File: CapeKino.swf-(7.48 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anonymous 03/06/17(Mon)17:02:09 No.3221870 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 03/06/17(Mon)17:17:55 No.3221871 what did he mean by this >> [_] Anonymous 03/06/17(Mon)20:36:55 No.3221913 god damn that movie was so bad >> [_] Anonymous 03/06/17(Mon)22:20:52 No.3221940 I'm not shocked the plebeians on this board can't comprehend how good this scene is. WhenSupermansaidmarthabrucerealizedhowfarhehasfallen.ThelastthingBruceheardbeforehis parentsdiedwashisfathercallingoutMartha'sname.Itstayedwithhimtothepointthathedreamsa boutit.(theopeningsceneBruceistalkingaboutthedream)ThedeathofhisparentsiswhatmakesBr ucebecomeahero.TheyearsingothamandthedeathcloseoneslikeRobinandMetropolismadehimlose hisway.BrucestartstoobsesswithSupermanwhohebelieveisamonster(Verymuchhiswhitewhale)a ndlosessightofhispurposeasBatmanandhisconvictions.That'swhyhesaysbeforetryingtokillh imthatSupermanwasn'tagodorevenaman.WhenSupermansaystosaveMartha,Batmanstartstothinkt hatitsomesortofmindgametofuckwithhim.ForBatmanthisfightwasverypersonal.Hedidn'twantt ojustkillSupermanhewantedhimtoknowhewasn'tanythingspecial.whichwhyhesaidthatlineabou thisparentthinkingthathewasspecial.Sohestartslosing it after Superman says Martha. He know Superman knows his identity because he calls him Bruce before they fight. When he realizes that it was about saving Clark's mother. And the thing that he thought wasn't even human was calling out for him to save his mother before dying. Batman reflects on what he has become, then stops himself. He doesn't stop because their Moms have the same name. He was still going to kill him. Batman stops because Superman shows his humanity and Batman understand his villainy. Rotten Tomatoes and Disney have rotted the minds of the younger generations. >> [_] Anonymous 03/06/17(Mon)22:40:35 No.3221943 >>3221940 Truly, this scene was Cape Kino. >> [_] Anonymous 03/06/17(Mon)22:46:54 No.3221946 >>3221870 more like cape SHIT >> [_] Anonymous 03/06/17(Mon)23:09:04 No.3221951 >>3221940 That's a very convoluted way of saying, "Batman suddenly came to his senses." It was an ass-pull based on sheer chance in-universe and you know it. There could have been a much better epiphany than Superman just happening to say the name of Batman's mom in reference to his own. Also, Bat's whole "You're not a god. You're not even a man," bit was so forced. He didn't have to say any angsty shit at all. The writers just HAD to have a reason for Batman to stall. You don't need to be a patrician to spot crappy writing. |