File: Rozen 7.swf-(1.41 MB, 500x500, Anime)
[_] My very first saved flash, all the way back from 2006 Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)17:23:09 No.3217307
>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)18:18:24 No.3217317
Fantastic, thanks for sharing anon
>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)19:19:38 No.3217336
fuck i forgot about this song, youtube has it heavily copyrighted. Nice post my dude.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)20:23:53 No.3217357
Ya know, it makes me sad one of my favorite anime is only remembered largely through this damn
meme. Like, it's not even that funny, and the loop in question is based on a 1 second clip that
happens during a rather important character building moment.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/20/17(Mon)21:36:58 No.3217376
>tmw this vid basically ripped the flcl amv of this song...
lol quality shitposting today