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This is resource J2RAU0I, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:6/5 -2017 22:06:18

Ended:7/5 -2017 06:51:53

Checked:7/5 -2017 07:13:18

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 27.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: What Has Science Become.swf-(8.49 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)16:03:13 No.3241818

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)17:23:35 No.3241837

  >"All my fellow bipedal life forms that identify as ladies" or whatever
  >All those TumblrMorphs that consider themselves quadropeds
  Your move, Nye.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)17:24:28 No.3241838


>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)18:25:33 No.3241859

  These people dont reproduce.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)18:52:50 No.3241872

  No, but they infect the rest of the population with their bullshit, and then that population
  ceases reproducing as well.
  It's the first step toward the extinction of civilization.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)20:01:44 No.3241896

  *tips fedora*

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)20:13:48 No.3241898

  Is he so broke that this is what he is forced to shill? Feels bad man

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)20:33:47 No.3241908

  >Everyone has to live their life the way I tell them to, or society will collapse and humanity
  will go extinct.

  This is what rightwingfags actually believe.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)20:42:16 No.3241910


  Anything different in behavioral terms that is not classified as MENTAL ILLNESS GAS CHAMBER NOW
  is not scientific for the epic fedoraman. Don't even bother trying to explain how behavior
  studies are, by nature, science too.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)20:45:12 No.3241912

  Birth rates among developed nations will fall in decades to come because of this sort of
  Stating it's the start of societal collapse is a bit of a stretch, but the consequences are very

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)20:50:45 No.3241913

  The only reason it hasn't happened yet is because
  get power just long enough to avert it.
  It's a healthy cycle, one that was quite nearly disrupted.

  >by nature
  Speaking of "nature", the scientific fields that garner near universal respect are specifically
  the Natural sciences. You do not magically get the same respect if you eschew empiricism entirely
  and just start guesstimating, doubly so if your field is known for being consistently wrong and

  Perpetually growing, exponential population growth is not a good thing or desirable. Developed
  nations do not need anything too far past carrying capacity, and even as it is now, populations
  in developed nations are far too dense.
  The real concern is making sure the impressive, perpetually growing underdeveloped nations do not
  foist their excess population off on everyone else. That's how you get irresponsible countries
  like Morocco, India, or Mexico.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)21:04:56 No.3241916

  japan is dying because of degeneracy.... must we too?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)21:11:34 No.3241918

  I was talking about how naturally science has studied behavior patterns for a long time by now,
  not discussing what is nature itself, autismo.
  Saying the definition of gender can not surpass the binarism maleXfemale aspect related only to
  the reproduction process is just being ignorant, and denying all studies that anthropology,
  sociology, psychology and even biology has made in the last 100 years. But accepting that is
  giving up on selective bias, so people prefer to claim it's not science, just because those bias
  falls apart more easily now. Same way that /pol/tards refuse to believe in any discovery made
  about genetics since 1940, cause it would mean. leaving the whole "pure race" crackpot theory

  Last week scientists made a young calf grow on a 100% artificial uterus successfully, and yet the
  supposed "enlightened" science fanboys can't leave behind the fact that gender, sex and
  reproduction can now be separated into different categories with no harm.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)22:37:41 No.3241943

  1st world countries just have lower population growth rates, you stupid idiot. It doesn't have
  anything to do with what you erroneously call "degeneracy." Japan has virtually no immigrants.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)22:44:29 No.3241948

  Honestly, I like the fact that Ny just came out and admitted he's a left wing plant.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)23:10:04 No.3241952

  George Washington was right about political parties causing trouble, you guys focus on this
  superficial bullshit first to make each-other susceptible (to anything) and then forget about
  larger issues only to take advantage of the mass when they're distracted by it. (not that they
  should be forgotten but pushed aside for actual matters.)

  the democrats and the republicans personal chauvinisms cause everyone to forget we're living in
  the same nation that has to work together as a nation or end up divided as pseudo circle jerked
  countries by personal outside interests of the people.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)23:22:12 No.3241954

  I'd call you a normalfag but you're right, sadly

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)23:31:07 No.3241956

  The thing is sooner or later parties will become established anyways. An entire nation's
  government cannot run effectively on one man alone, eventually you're going to see people who
  agree on certain issues band together, it's human nature.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/17(Sat)23:46:54 No.3241959

  Social sciences are not considered real sciences by academia. They are fine arts. I know because
  I studied psychology up until my professors started claiming that telling people they are wrong
  slowly kills them. My discovery of autism supremacists was the final nail in the coffin.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/17(Sun)00:06:01 No.3241966

  >Social sciences are not considered real sciences by academia

  [Source needed]

  The definition of psychology according to the dictionary :

  - plural : psychologies

  1 - the science of mind and behavior
  2 - a : the mental or behavioral characteristics of an individual or groupb : the study of mind
  and behavior in relation to a particular field of knowledge or activity
  3 - a theory or system of psychology Freudian psychology the psychology of Jung

>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/17(Sun)00:18:26 No.3241974

  gr8 b8 m8

  No wait,
  >butfucked libcuck confirmed

  >libtards actually believe that

  Easy sailing, Popeye.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/17(Sun)00:23:15 No.3241976

  >gender, sex and reproduction can now be separated into different categories with no harm.
  >I have no eyes or nose, I can't smell Rome burning
  Must be cozy on that spaceship you ride on.

  Also, I would relish the chance to fold Bill Nye in half, shove him up Clinton's bunghole, and
  set the whole toxic mess on fire.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/17(Sun)00:25:45 No.3241977

  >I know because I studied psychology
  If you're not part of the solution,

>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/17(Sun)00:32:17 No.3241981


  In the end is just a moral panic with no real repercussion for anyone outside the medium. Sure is
  a great deal for the people who dealt with gender problems, but for everyone else it's pretty
  much the same Unless you go full Alex Jones and start thinking a demonoid transgender will become
  president and order every male to have their dicks cut off

  Please. For a thread who supposedly laments the death of scientific thinking, the arguments sure
  love a hysterical approach

>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/17(Sun)00:34:15 No.3241982

  >says psychology is useless
  >proceeds to claim everything is a mental illness

>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/17(Sun)00:34:38 No.3241983

  people are animals what do you expect.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/17(Sun)00:49:59 No.3241994

  If we don't have hysteria, what DO we have? :^)
Created: 6/5 -2017 22:06:18 Last modified: 7/5 -2017 07:13:30 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:58:44