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This is resource J5U2U0Y, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:31/3 -2017 23:55:15

Ended:1/4 -2017 07:07:49

Checked:1/4 -2017 07:30:23

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 33.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: VLC.swf-(9.83 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)17:53:47 No.3230277

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Reanow 03/31/17(Fri)18:01:42 No.3230282

  A simple day in Japan

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)18:03:08 No.3230283

  lulz, good thing VLC has almost doubled in quality nowadays!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)19:25:09 No.3230296

  Come on, that's made on an overloaded PC or something

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)19:31:18 No.3230297

  Nope, that's how VLC behaves on an "average" machine these days (although I'll grant this is
  obviously datamoshed and edited). You really need a gaming rig not to notice how bad VLC is now.

  MPC ftw.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)19:36:30 No.3230301

  Back in the day sub groups used to code their releases to specifically not work well or at all
  with VLC because for a while it was indeed shit.
  Even with the subbers doing that VLC improved though and now its hands down the best all in one
  media center but the old fags just won't let it go.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)19:45:38 No.3230305

  I have a very below average pc that I picked up about 4 years ago for ~$500 and I now use it as a
  media center plugged into my tv. Thing doesn't even have a gpu aside from whats integrated into
  the cpu and I watch 1080 anime and HD network streams during football season on VLC with 0
  problems aside from my sometimes slow ass internet.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)19:50:27 No.3230308

  I'll never under stand why /a/ and /g/ care so much about how others watch anime

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:03:14 No.3230315

  CIA hacked VLC so there really is no reason now not to switch to MPV

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:12:11 No.3230319

  >"hacking" a piece of open source software

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:14:59 No.3230320

  >implying open source software isn't usually more secure
  >implying security through obscurity works
  brainlet detected

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:26:17 No.3230322

  >and now its hands down the best all in one media center

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:30:29 No.3230326

  Prove otherwise

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:32:03 No.3230327

  it was specifically named in a wikileak of the cia that they hack VLC. it's trash, also you can
  only run one instance of it at once

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:33:35 No.3230328

  You know thats a setting right? To allow or disallow running more than one instance at a time

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:34:49 No.3230329

  does matter, compromised by CIA, into the trash it goes

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:38:37 No.3230330

  And your smartphone isn't?
  Why does it matter if the cia can get into VLC? What could they find out other than I have shit
  taste in anime?
  Not like I'm building bombs so I don't care and I think its funny af if any of you think cia is
  actually spying on anyone through vlc they have not already found shit on elsewhere

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:40:27 No.3230331

  >trying to justify
  didn't read, your opinions are shit

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:44:18 No.3230334

  looks like I win then Mr. internet tough guy :^)
  You can't refute my argument

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)20:48:30 No.3230339

  >vlc is best
  >oh cia spys??
  >i don't care
  >still best
  lol good argument kid. It's fundamentally trash if it has known security holes that allows anyone
  to hack you

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)21:33:41 No.3230351

  wait what would hacking VLC do? are they getting filenames of played video files or something?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)21:39:49 No.3230353

  not sure I didn't review that leaked hacking tools specific to vlc

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)21:55:17 No.3230357

  This. I've never had a single issue with VLC player. 1080p anime and 1080p 60FPS video and it's
  crisp and smooth.

  The "hack" requires them manually installing VLC on your computer or you downloading an infected
  copy which you won't, because the CIA doesn't distribute it on the internet, because CIA doesn't
  care about random people watching videos at home.

  If you're still concerned, imagine downloading VLC from a shady site the internet and you got a
  data-gathering virus instead. VLC isn't vulnerable, you just downloaded a virus. If you got VLC
  on the official site there's no vulnerability. They can't magically hack your VLC remotely.

  They just altered an old portable version of VLC's code to start another hidden data gathering
  program in the background. It's just a way to covertly make a target's computer run code without
  having the user double click on CIA-VIRUS.exe. The exploit is literally worth forgetting, it's no
  different than any average virus.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)22:00:01 No.3230358

  source or lies

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)22:02:05 No.3230359


  Skip to the 4th & 5th paragraphs

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)22:19:22 No.3230365

  Then just install from the safe source cited in that document.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)22:34:06 No.3230371

  give me five (5) reasons to use VLC over MPC-HC.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)22:50:23 No.3230376

  Give me 5 reasons why I should give you five reasons

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)22:52:09 No.3230377

  interesting. I wonder if deleting all your local content and reinstalling would ensure you are
  not currently infected. From what I read I think that would work.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)23:06:57 No.3230382

  Give me 5 reasons why you shouldn't give him 5 reasons instead.

  Great meme flash, always gets lots of replies on /f/. It's funny because VLC runs completely fine
  nowadays but people still get triggered when you imply VLC is still as bad as the early days of
  media players.

  Well baited, my friend.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)00:35:03 No.3230412

  It would, but it's highly unlikely that you're infected in the first place.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)00:58:56 No.3230420

  The one time I tried VLC to watch anime and it fucking memed me like this flash did.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)01:00:43 No.3230421

  >have a shitty PC
  >too lazy to change the settings
  >blame the video player

  Every time
Created: 31/3 -2017 23:55:15 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 09:49:29 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:08:45