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This is resource JH4B8UY, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/2 -2017 18:23:43

Ended:14/2 -2017 01:43:30

Checked:14/2 -2017 03:45:38

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
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[_] I got banned lol /f/aggot 02/13/17(Mon)12:16:48 No.3214688

  They banned me for posting lizardgirldance.swf and saying that sleep tight restful cosy sleeps

  Can't tell if banned for copypasta or cause the lizard counted as furry stuff that should be
  contained on /b/

>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/17(Mon)12:23:33 No.3214689

  what a petty shite to ban people for
  I mean I didn't even get banned for posting that newborn child with harlequin ichthyosis the
  other day

>> [_] /f/aggot 02/13/17(Mon)12:38:25 No.3214690

  Shit senpai I missed that, I sleep of like 16 hours most days so I miss the odd flash or two
  but yeah shittiest way I've been banned, and I've been banned a lot, especially from my /a/ days

>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/17(Mon)13:20:39 No.3214705

  serves you right. that shit tier first page macropasta spam can suck my fresh nuts on this board!
  at least go for nine naked men next time.

>> [_]  02/13/17(Mon)13:29:20 No.3214711

  I think there's some new moderation team watching this board since for many years /f/ had no
  moderation. They don't seem to be familiar with the fact that /f/ outgrew many of its rules, even

>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/17(Mon)13:53:43 No.3214718

  4chan has been anti-furry since 2003 anon, lizard girl dance is furry shit

>> [_] /f/aggot 02/13/17(Mon)14:36:54 No.3214728

  I used to always see the goodnight himoto on here, it isn't that bad anon
  Yeah I swear man, so easy to get banned now took them a solid 4 hours to ban me after I posted it
  It isn't even furry shit, it's not sexualized it just vibes out to Gorillaz

>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/17(Mon)16:21:55 No.3214776

  theres furry porn here all the time

>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/17(Mon)16:27:04 No.3214781

  Most boards are pretty okay with furry shit, and have been for the last 4-5 years though I don't
  know if /pol/ is aware of how many nazifurs make up their numbers via Poe's Law.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/17(Mon)19:40:07 No.3214870

  is this song from undertale? I swear I've heard it before.
Created: 13/2 -2017 18:23:43 Last modified: 14/2 -2017 03:45:41 Server time: 16/09 -2024 20:01:48