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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource KQRZKMM, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/4 -2017 12:35:12

Ended:25/4 -2017 23:54:52

Checked:26/4 -2017 03:39:28

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 24.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: sky.swf-(864 KB, 550x400, Other)
[_] Request in comments, help a brotha out! Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)06:24:40 No.3237861

  Looking for the swf with Wojak sitting at his computer iwith a red tint to it, and it just zooms
  in slowly on him while reverby electric guitar plays.

  Can't find it for the life of me & really needing it rn :/

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)06:31:38 No.3237862

  *Correction, it's more like slide guitar, think Santo & Johnny (sleepwalk) style

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)06:56:56 No.3237866


>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)07:09:32 No.3237867

  the fact that it's an embedded movie and not just an image being scaled bothers me

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)09:36:17 No.3237890

  yeah, the art of flash is lost

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)12:08:57 No.3237910

  and google chrome is denying me from viewing them without embedding every single flash.
  chrome://plugins doesn't exist anymore and im probably gonna switch to another browser. problem
  is, im way too comfortable with chrome to move to another one.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)12:22:58 No.3237912

  Yup. No more chrome://plugins. It's under a different place now.
  Go to chrome://settings, scroll down to 'Privacy and security', click 'Contents Settings', and
  'Flash' should be under there.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)12:35:25 No.3237915

  I downgraded chrome to v44 and disabled updates to even download on C:

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)12:37:13 No.3237916

  ...Why would you do that?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)12:53:08 No.3237919

  because I'm too keen on chrome and it's extensions
  what do you use?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)12:57:34 No.3237920

  I don't understand your intentions. Extensions work on the newest chrome just as well. Why are
  you using an outdated version of chrome?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)13:05:57 No.3237923

  Thank you, you're a saint.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)13:12:37 No.3237925

  Anyone know the music source?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)13:12:40 No.3237926

  because it autoupdates and last time it did it changed the screen and UI so I just downgraded it
  I don't want to set up extensions again by changing browsers

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)13:14:25 No.3237927

  Get chromium, it's the latest and it doesn't update automatically.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)13:14:29 No.3237928

  click on WIKI:61
  there are 61 archived threads from 4chan so I'm sure someone already asked this question and
  someone already answered it there

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)13:16:14 No.3237929

  Thanks! :)

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)13:18:08 No.3237930

  nah, I'm fine

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)13:19:30 No.3237931

  Music source for those too lazy to wiki it:

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)13:20:27 No.3237932

  Fair enough...

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)14:14:47 No.3237955

  swfchan has instructions on how to fix the issue on all pages with the GET FILE button, check for
  example the url posted in >>3237866

  personally i recommend you to not use chrome. google really needs less influence online.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)15:46:15 No.3237967

  Because Google have fucking ruined the most recent versions so hard.

  Of course:
  >muh security
  >muh updates
  Retards get viruses.

  Not to mention that fucktard Ben is still at the helm of Chromium dev, a literal normie light
  browser user.
  He thinks sidebars are too confusing, which is why we ended up with that shitty bubble pop-up
  that extensions used.
  Well, shit extensions.
  Good extensions just used a pop-out window. (see Tabs Outliner)
  I've argued with that retard so many times I got banned due to his ass being handed to him. Fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)15:49:54 No.3237968

  here, take this:

  and disable it

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)17:51:04 No.3237988

  You are a god among men
Created: 25/4 -2017 12:35:12 Last modified: 26/4 -2017 03:39:33 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:54:04