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This is resource KZEGZCQ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/4 -2017 21:07:57
7.7 years ago.

Ended:24/4 -2017 02:43:16
7.7 years ago.

Checked:24/4 -2017 04:44:06
7.7 years ago.

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: 410901492973853.swf-(7.55 MB, 852x480, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)15:02:11 No.3237220

  If I am going to hell, I am taking you all with me.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)15:18:59 No.3237227

  go to hell yourself this isnt the eurobeat version

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)15:21:33 No.3237230

  Eurobeat version lacks the "shame on you" in the end.
  plus its shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)15:32:27 No.3237233

  I don't even get this.

  Shame on you for what? He wasn't texting and driving, going a little too fast I guess but that's
  just an accident? The fuck am I missing here?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)15:34:24 No.3237234

  He was speeding, that was the point they're trying to get across.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)15:37:20 No.3237235

  Still waiting for someone to use this.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)15:40:58 No.3237239

  >not the smurf version
  fucking garbage

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)15:51:04 No.3237243

  they all just turn in to clothes

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)16:16:02 No.3237250

  Shame on you for enjoying this

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)18:50:50 No.3237295

  If someone uses 4chan, it's pretty safe assumption that they would end up in hell.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)18:56:18 No.3237298

  b-but /f/ is a christian board
  I even went to church today

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)19:01:58 No.3237299

  it gets funnier the more you watch it

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)19:21:55 No.3237308

  >takes out a whole kindergarden class at once
  not even mad i'm impressed

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)19:49:30 No.3237320

  The CS version is better.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)20:03:02 No.3237325

  I received an Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis.

  I'm good.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)20:03:45 No.3237326

  >Pope Francis
  I have bad news for you, that's an express ticket to hell.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)20:12:05 No.3237331

  Nah, I'm good.

  I'm secure both by the Catholic and Protestant churches, assuming I'm able to repent in the
  moments before my death.

  So if Hell is real, then both sides have my back.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)20:31:28 No.3237337

  >going to church

>> [_] Anonymous 04/23/17(Sun)20:32:14 No.3237338

  >if Hell is real
  You're going to Hell, anon.

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Created: 23/4 -2017 21:07:57 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 09:52:50 Server time: 12/01 -2025 09:38:53