File: Dirt On Me.swf-(9 MB, 720x480, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)07:54:22 No.3240206
If you see this flash while browsing /f/ then you've been visited by the Kitchen Gun of Shiny
Cleanliness. Daily stains and dirty surfaces will sparkle like new, but ONLY if you post "I love
you, Kitchen Gun!" in this thread.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)12:02:53 No.3240243
I love you, Kitchen Gun!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)12:10:48 No.3240244
>youtube rip in an swf container
>/b/ tier post baiting
fuck off.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)13:22:26 No.3240261
Why didn't you use sage?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)14:17:09 No.3240269
Fuck off cunt.
Video rips were uploaded on this board since it was created.
They've only gotten less shitty since the filesize limit was upped considerably since then.
And even more so since that webm parser was made in flash since Adobe weren't up for the task.
>> [_] yee 05/01/17(Mon)14:43:35 No.3240276
I'm glad I started this pasta for a youtube rip and there's nothing you can do about it.
I love you, Kitchen Gun!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)15:18:10 No.3240286
I'd love to turn that tiring kitchen gun right on your kitchen forehead. I see a spot of dirt
right there.
So... meme-forcing is a thing again?
feels like 2004 /b/ in here lately.
>glad I started this pasta
Of course you would be.
>there's nothing you can do about it.
Right... oh, except for not playing ball.
Kinda grates your autism, I can see.
Carry on, never give up, maybe one day someone will notice you and recognize the genius of your
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)15:41:52 No.3240293
I'm Derek Bum!
>> [_] yee 05/01/17(Mon)15:43:06 No.3240294
You seem upset that I abide by board convention and culture.
'You have been visited by' posts have been a thing forever on all boards.
I simply made one for /f/, even if it may be a youtube rip, and it's been posted every couple of
months or so since.
The best thing about your butt-frustration concerning this video is that RazQ, the youtube alias
of the person who made it, is a furry and is also responsible for making a lot of shit that is
posted on /f/, including many of the Gachimuchi mashups and spoofs you see on Thursgay, as well
as things like Platinum Spice and 'Smoke Weed Everyday' mashups.
For all we know RazQ is silently promoting on /f/ through youtube rips.
You can call it cancer but that shit is practically mainstream here.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)15:46:56 No.3240297
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)15:52:22 No.3240298
I gently caress you, Kitchen Gun!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)15:53:43 No.3240299
Hehe, so you're RazQ. Who knew?
I bet you go to the free clinic and ask about STD meds "for a friend".
Oh, and just because someone forces a shitty flavor of "tradition" doesn't mean your victim
community has to swallow it. Just, you know, just sayin'.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)15:56:51 No.3240300
>Gachimuchi mashups and spoofs you see on Thursgay, as well as things like Platinum Spice and
'Smoke Weed Everyday' mashups
fuckingchrist everything that's wrong with /f/
>> [_] yee 05/01/17(Mon)16:07:11 No.3240303
That entire post didn't make any sense hombre.
It's how it goes.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/01/17(Mon)17:23:35 No.3240326
I love you, Kitchen Gun!