File: Still_Life_(Betamale).swf-(10 MB, 480x272, Other)
[_] HIRO PLS Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 05/09/17(Tue)21:11:51 No.3242885
Can I post yet?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/17(Tue)22:10:45 No.3242895
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/17(Tue)22:41:18 No.3242904
Saved this shit years ago. Good stuff. I feel like this personifies the media soaked modern
internet and all the people wading for fragments of meaning to cling to. It's a memeshake.
>> [_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 05/09/17(Tue)22:48:50 No.3242905
I saw it for the first time not all that long ago on LSD. I saved it for later so I can try to
make heads or tails of it off the acid. Needless to say I like how you put it.
>> [_] 05/09/17(Tue)22:50:20 No.3242906
First 10MB flash I've seen.
The flash is pretty good too.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/17(Tue)22:55:29 No.3242907
Oh man, I couldn't dare to watch this on Hallucinogens but I also have had very bad experiences
with them so...As far as the flash goes i really think you could talk about it for a long time.
It's very cyberpunk existentialism. What is to become of us, set adrift this static ocean that is
never still?
We seek intimacy in artificial things as personified by the uncanny valley masks and the cutesy
smut but we dive deeper into depravity with the morphing centerfold of hardcore hentai. We are
willing to become unconcious if it means pleasure and peace from the crashing waves of digital
space. The Fursuit drowning in quicksand (supposedly that guy did it for eroticism) seems to
argue that we are prone to killing ourselves out here but the urine stained underwear offers some
small hope i think. In our most intimate and imperfect attachments, we may find greater
possibilities yet undiscovered. I could go on....
>> [_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 05/09/17(Tue)23:00:27 No.3242909
Please do, I am enthralled and this is only reinforcing why I love this board so much.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/17(Tue)23:08:08 No.3242911
It is an interesting board isn't it? Unique in it's purpose and design. The user base is
relatively niche and we can see how /f/'s culture has remained more consistent than most other
boards. Moments like this are why I still browse here.
As far as continuing the discussion on Still Life, what are you thoughts about it? Try and relate
your experience on Acid, if you can remember it at all.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/17(Tue)23:09:02 No.3242912
This is not remarkable.
25-30 years ago, I did a fistful of tabs every fucking weekend for years.
This is baseline pablum. Want to really really fry your psyche? Trip your face off while watching
an actual real life niggah take a hotshot and die in the alley.
Take one yourself, and stand back up.
It will erase your misconceptions of what this mortal coil is all about, and set you on a real
view vector. True perspective is something to be reckoned with.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/17(Tue)23:12:02 No.3242913
I don't doubt it. As far as my experiences go, (i'm: >>3242907
btw) I've believed my own death multiple times on acid. I've heard the void seep unstoppably into
my mind and felt it erase all meaning and context. I've found the temporal loops that explain
purgatory in infinite and excruciating detail. Ultimately the most this has taught me is that
true horror is hidden from people and reamins buried unless we pick at the scab too hard.
Please go on about your experiences, if you'd like.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/17(Tue)23:23:03 No.3242915
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/17(Tue)23:43:13 No.3242917
>Please go on about your experiences, if you'd like.
Ok, do not think I was speaking figuratively.
I'm not speaking of imagining your own death.
I'm speaking of the observation that we all are energy to be dissipated, to be subsumed along
with all matter that is not dark; all that will eventually fall to zero entropy.
Tell me, Anon, we all have seen these images above in our own lives, how have you not been The
One who lives in filth, keyboard covered in your own effluence and monitor feeding your percieved
consciousness images of your own wants and failings...
in this respect, the flash above touches us in ways we dare not speak; but in what ways does it
touch in ways we can judge?
I say it does no such thing in any way we can elucidate.
What is going on is your own perceptions are speaking to us in the hushed tones that only we
understand, in ways that shake us to our very foundations as we have experienced tehm thus far.
We are captives of our very experiences, yet we attempt to set them apart in such a way as to
say, "I couldn't dare to watch this on Hallucinogens..." as if we have some sort of dominion over
the illusion of our own sanity.
The Universe and all that is in it... is simply a coldly energetic symptom of entropy, and we are
along for the ride. We scare ourselves with it when we allow such.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/17(Tue)23:53:05 No.3242920
Well, in my defense, my avoiding LSD is purely for my own health. I choose to not be a paranoid
wreck in the same way that people choose to lie to themselves about the, arguably, pointless
choices they make everyday.
The fact that we can fool ourselves is arguably our greatest strength as a species, it is the
very way we thrive.
To use your phrasing, we do, in fact, have dominion over the illusion of our sanity. We always
have. The real sorrow is knowing that we must live with wool over our eyes.
But I tend to take a more idealistic view. Our perceptions are all we can ever know so surely
creation is at our feet, yes? Screw the great blackness, even if it is beyond and above us, that
is so far away and we are so immediate. Everything about us is a shield to the void and I posit
that this is not a bad thing. Truth is the little glow you feel at doing something right the
first time. It is seeing another life thrive and knowing many will follow. It is all these
selfish little drummings of egoism that are the flow of reality and nothing to be underestimated.
>> [_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 05/10/17(Wed)00:06:50 No.3242921
It's hard to really put together my thoughts on it on acid other than "What the fuck am I looking
at?" before the initial answer was degeneracy. But what causes this kind of degeneration. What
drives someone to be content to live in their own filth and substandard existence? Why don't they
do anything about it? Is it sheer laziness or the fact that these people have accepted that there
truly is no greater purpose for them other than shitposting on 4chan and cramming junk food into
their mouth to keep them sustained for one more day? We've all seen the images, we've all had a
laugh or two at them but one does need to wonder what drives the individual to drag fantasy into
reality. When in my experience fantasy is much better than reality. Yet these people are content
with the reality they've created for themeselves.
things that are untrue and sometimes downright outrageous and ridiculous.
>> [_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 05/10/17(Wed)00:15:07 No.3242923
Ran out of text for the final bit there:
How we bullshit ourselves that we're the center of the universe and everything does revolve
around us when any day now a meteorite can take us the fuck out. And then what? Once this world
is stripped barren of life what will the universe revolve around then. It's like you guys said
it's all about perspective. And like the flash says maybe we are gazing into eternity. Or maybe
we're just trying to find deeper meaning into something that may not have any meaning whatsoever.
Who the fuck knows?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)00:18:14 No.3242925
I wonder.
What if you kept using despite not wanting to and knowing what effect it would have on you?
What if some part of you forced that compulsion on you against all logic?
What would become of you in such an alternative reality?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)00:25:08 No.3242926
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)00:46:56 No.3242932
Well, statistics would say I would have a few good experiences, haha.
My intuition says that I would have a hard time functioning in my own head. Then again, it is
entirely possible that I might learn to navigate the psychedelic space with some level of
stability. Wonder of the brain and all that.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)00:53:35 No.3242934
i'd say you've stepped through the shadow cast. If all men could do the same, our little
collective human existence would get marginally better.
The beauty of all this to me is that we are just anonymous fuccbois shitposting about a silly
vaporwave music video that could mean everything and nothing. It's as Camu said, absurdism is the
bane of nihilism. In the stupid and chaotic we will find our intellect and harmony.
It's like everyone who says 4chan dead / is dying. They may be empirically true but the sheer
fact of this places existence, the countless interactions it's fostered and the fact that it's
STILL going to this day is testiment to the fact that there is something to experience worth our
meager time.
Everything is what it seems and that is perfect.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:02:13 No.3242936
>avoiding LSD is purely for my own health
To be honest, it's been demonstrated to be perfectly non-toxic, in a chemical sense.
It DOES, however, do some intense re-wiring of the sensibilities.
To say you avoid it, would be to say you avoid re-wiring your synapses, however subconsciously
you mean it.
>a lot of questions but never any answers
Weird, I found the opposite. SO many answers that no questions begged. Indeed, I don't think any
one (or many!) human brain can really fathom what it brings to the table. All I can say is that
(as you mention) we navigate this existence with scales on our eyes.
Just what scales each has and which are lifted are probably highly subjective.
Like points on a star, no one is more valid than the other, and each is but a part of the whole.
So it's probably some sort of responsibility for each of us to witness and report to Hiro that
/f/ is fucking broken and we're all going spaghetti. :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:07:08 No.3242940
When I said health i meant mental health. You can tell yourself you are fine as much as you want
but that doesn't keep the images of your own corpse out of peripheral vision.
To be perfectly clear, I have had positive experiences with LSD as well as Psilocybin and
Mescaline. It just always came at a price and I've come to accept that part of it might have been
my own doing. I don't regret the experiences now even if at one point I did. They gave me great
catharsis after bringing me back from the dead.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:09:05 No.3242942
We're basically on the same page, speaking different tongues. Hi-five me and let's make some kind
of babies.
>> [_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 05/10/17(Wed)01:11:34 No.3242943
I fucking love you /f/ellas. No homo.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:13:14 No.3242944
Only if i can be the little girl :^)
One experience that I can laugh at in hind sight was when I thought I had caught ebola (this was
around the time of the big ebola scare and there was a story of a dude at an airport near me that
had caught it or some such). Literally thought I was gonna die in a matter of hours and felt sick
to my stomach purely off anxiety. Wound up watching the climax of the Yusuke VS. Togoro fight in
YuYuHakusho and making peace with my time on earth. lol
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:16:13 No.3242945
/f/eeling it too desu
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:32:17 No.3242948
why are none of these flashes loading for me?
>> [_] Heaven 05/10/17(Wed)01:39:03 No.3242949
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:40:12 No.3242950
Ok, fine, as long as I get to choose your outfit. You don't mind a thong, do you?
We'll all go down the event horizon hugging and singing FOUR NAKED MEN....
Try clearing your browser cache.
They're working fine here on multiple browsers.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:44:39 No.3242951
Sou is a faggot, pass it on.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:45:03 No.3242952
haha, i'm imagining the 10 naked men skit but on some astral plane of mathematical regression.
We'd just keep getting simpler and simpler until we were bouncing dots on a cartesian plane.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:55:59 No.3242954
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:57:14 No.3242955
Sou is escargot, pass it on.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:58:16 No.3242956
maybe you can go back to managing the fuckin divegrass team now ya got that out the way eh
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)01:58:39 No.3242957
Sou is a meme, take it as you will.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)02:04:41 No.3242959
I like how the visual imagery is of a furry drowning in shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)02:04:45 No.3242960
>All the pseudo-intellectuals in this thread
Doing acid doesn't let you "see the void," or anything else. It makes you retarded.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)02:05:50 No.3242962
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)02:06:45 No.3242963
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)02:08:55 No.3242965
Snails are faggot food, roger that
Welcome to the club, Corky.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)02:28:49 No.3242966
An intellectual.
>Best thing about Earth is that you can take a look elsewhere.
The meaning of that statement depends solely on the context. Who says that and why?
Say, an edgy teenager says it while pondering on suicide. An astronomer says it enthusiastically,
or a psychonaut states it in their typical obscuriantist ways.
It's just a different context sphere they enter and try to decipher.
t. ultimate pseud.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)02:40:06 No.3242968
Dubs Of Trooth
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)02:52:46 No.3242970
It seems that in order to diminish a view I do not have, I use a magic word.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)03:12:43 No.3242971
The rule that prevents to post about the cup outside of /4ccg/ is idiotic.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)13:02:26 No.3243050
Nobody is disagreeing but there's not exactly cup discussion happening here.
Just a normal post by a cup figure.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)13:07:38 No.3243052
newfags are taking over /f/
Why the fuck did this have to be now, why not 6 months ago?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)13:09:27 No.3243054
Daiz killed nyaa and now /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)13:10:18 No.3243056
don't fucking remind me
we don't deserve the internet anymore
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)14:19:23 No.3243061
t. Teenage Straight Edge Faggot who thinks he knows everything
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)14:36:43 No.3243065
Is everyone crying because IP ban? I can't post /f/.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)14:49:23 No.3243068
just imagine if you go on /f/ tomorrow and right under the board name it says "Marked for
deletion (old)."
and then a day later the board is deleted.
>> [_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 05/10/17(Wed)19:46:03 No.3243126
dip back into retirement when i can't keep up anymore. Again it should be the board's decision as
I have never done anything involving the team that didn't have the board's approval on it with
the exception of tactics.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)22:15:45 No.3243152
fuck hallucinogens, eat some scrapple with syrup and your tummy gets hurt real fast
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/17(Wed)22:18:21 No.3243153
t. low twenties druggie faggot who thinks he knows everything
>> [_] :v 05/10/17(Wed)23:04:31 No.3243165
Day 3 -
I have now resorted to shouting recipes at passerbys on the street while holding up poorly looped
gifs on my mobile and blaring "uninspired SoundCloud hip-hop" from a boom box tied around my neck.
They seem to tolerate me as some sort of performance art for now but I fear they do not know the
true gravity of the situation.
>The nights are so cold and oh so long
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)00:00:42 No.3243175
can someone project gachimuchi on a wall and post tomorrow
>> [_] :v 05/11/17(Thu)00:31:04 No.3243187
I'm watching ceelo greens deep dark fantasy on loop
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)00:35:36 No.3243188
Why do you want to hurt your tummy?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)00:45:36 No.3243190
>> [_] godk 05/11/17(Thu)01:10:48 No.3243201
Please accept an internet hug and a couple of dollars to spend at 7-11 so you don't freeze in the
alley before being picked up by the police.
I feel your angst.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)01:35:50 No.3243206
fucking 4chan saying i'm blocked trying to post something to /f/
get fucked hiro
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)01:39:56 No.3243207
when did THIS happen?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)01:43:20 No.3243208
just now. i'm not even using a cell connection. FUCKK
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)01:45:03 No.3243209
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)01:47:52 No.3243210
>4 days late to the party
I don't even
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)01:51:40 No.3243212
so what happens when nobody can post and all the flashes get marked for deletion
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)01:59:44 No.3243213
Does this compensate for the time all the other boards were frozen and only /f/ worked?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)02:28:41 No.3243214
3 jannies can post, apparently.
I don't believe for a minute that anyone in the real world is getting through the Cloudflare
error. Uploads HAVE to be happening from the console.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)04:06:22 No.3243221
hiroshitma plz stop nuking /f/
>> [_] CodeRiot 05/11/17(Thu)05:54:44 No.3243223
/* program to implement fractional knapsack problem using greedy programming */
using namespace std;
int main()
int array[2][100], n, w, i, curw, used[100], maxi = -1, totalprofit = 0;
//input number of objects
cout << "Enter number of objects: ";
cin >> n;
//input max weight of knapsack
cout << "Enter the weight of the knapsack: ";
cin >> w;
/* Array's first row is to store weights
second row is to store profits */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
cin >> array[0][i] >> array[1][i];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
used[i] = 0;
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)06:08:48 No.3243225
/r/ing the Dota flash with the elephant
swfcan and 4plebs not giving the file for some wierd reason, I know "Dota"was in the name
c'mon, /f/aget, I know u can post, make it golden.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)06:11:32 No.3243226
>> [_] :v 05/11/17(Thu)06:13:18 No.3243227
>not really but ye
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)06:45:37 No.3243231
Am I really posting?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)09:38:38 No.3243237
This whole thread has now been saved. It is no illusion anymore.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)10:24:31 No.3243249
Sou, my main man.