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Happy New Year!

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This is resource NBM5PHS, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/4 -2017 08:59:38

Ended:29/4 -2017 17:37:35

Checked:29/4 -2017 19:14:59

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 27.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: Lemons.swf-(5.71 MB, 800x450, Loop)
[_] Lemons inside :v 04/29/17(Sat)02:57:22 No.3239386

  I know we all love having a red apple and blue apple
  Can we get some love for them green lemons?

  How are you on this Friday/Saturday /f/?
  I couldn't sleep so its shit/blog posting time
  Apart from that it's been a pretty decent week, which can only mean something terrible is on the

  >inb4 it's a lime you fgt

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)04:11:25 No.3239396

  I doing pretty alright, roommates away so I've got the apartment to myself.

  I applied for a job today, I really don't want to have to work but my savings are starting to dry
  up so my NEET life will have to be put on hold for a while.

>> [_] :v 04/29/17(Sat)04:22:10 No.3239403

  God speed anon, the outside world is pretty shit.
  Night shift helps reduce contact with people, if that is a possibility.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)04:31:24 No.3239404

  Realized I had not eaten all day at around 7pm, went to Whataburger for a Whataburger, it was
  breddy gud

  Fast forward to 3 am, feel kinda hungry, decide to go to Whataburger again

  It was the same qt cashier, feeling of shame set in even though I only ate twice today

  Also they fucked up my order, didn't get my Breakfast on a Bun. Kinda sad about that but my pups
  liked the extra biscuit

  Love the jam by the way

  I'm so lonely, but I feel drained when I'm around people for too long. It's like I was naturally
  born to be miserable.

  I feel like if I get a gf, I'll get some purpose and direction back in my life, like when I was
  with my last serious gf a couple years ago. But it just never works out.

  Falling behind in college a little bit too. I withdrew from a course. Don't tell my dad please.

  I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going, but your flashes help me feel ok about everything
  for a little while and calm down.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)04:32:43 No.3239405

  also any chance that you could make your soundcloud easier to find? searching for ":v" just
  brings up results for "v"

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)04:34:09 No.3239407

  Like I know the links are sometimes in the flash, but for when I want to listen away from the

>> [_] :v 04/29/17(Sat)04:58:52 No.3239413

  Ayy I know that awkward feel
  One time I had lunch early once and later agreed to go with coworkers to their lunch to keep
  discussing plans.
  I look up to order and am filled with shame as the I notice the same waiter I had not 2 hours
  >I can feel his disgust
  I still haven't gone back

  Can't really help you there.
  ":v" is vague on purpose.
  I should have come up with a catchy witty url but I'm not very funny or creative

>> [_] godk 04/29/17(Sat)05:16:09 No.3239416

  >I still haven't gone back

  I found YouTube scum ripping your stuff over there, I gave 'em a good finger wagging, since the
  faggots that run it won't take anything down unless you're Sony or Disney, or a card-carrying
  SJW. Lord knows they ignore my flags when I report rips of my content. I wouldn't care if there
  was some sort of creative edit, but they just rip it and grab your pageviews.

  So yeah, insomnia is rampant among our ranks apparently. I gotta pull a 12 hour shift in about 7
  hours, been up since last shift ended 7 hours ago. So I've been up editing moar vidya for the
  next round of shenanigans.
  I need to figure out a way to convince some knucklehead to hire me to do this crap all day
  instead of wageslaving all my productive hours away.

>> [_] :v 04/29/17(Sat)05:31:51 No.3239419

  Yea it really was/is.
  I really liked the fries there :<

  Ripping what the shitty missile beat? I mean doesn't that in the long run add to/help my
  >I will be very happy when one of my shit loops comes back as an even shittier youtube rip here
  on /f/

  Man fuck insomnia I'm on a rocky nap cycle now. It's better than the up 24 followed by 12 - 16
  asleep but not without it's own problems. I never really feel awake anymore. At least before
  there were a few hours of feeling well rested.

  >find a job that leaves you with a lot of free time overnight.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)05:48:16 No.3239421

  >the (un)shitty missile beat?
  Yeah, and no, doesn't help if you're not mentioned.

  >up 24 followed by 12 - 16 asleep
  shitfuckshit, this is exactly my syndrome lately.
  And yes, feel like a perpetual zombie.
  I could fix it all in a heartbeat if I can get my hands on some medical dab...

>> [_] godk 04/29/17(Sat)05:50:46 No.3239422

  >shit loops comes back as an even shittier youtube rip here on /f/
  meta af 0_o

>> [_] :v 04/29/17(Sat)05:57:08 No.3239423

  That is not mine.
  It always bothered me that the cadence just never matched up in that version so I made a
  different version.
  idk why that one comes back to me

>> [_] Sammy 04/29/17(Sat)07:27:19 No.3239438

  Was expecting Will Sasso, disappoint

  I'm doing alright, Uni going fine, applying for more jobs, no weed is going fine, no fap is okay,
  but difficult, loneliness is crippling, but im not dead yet

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)08:17:10 No.3239458

  I'm downloading movies but I don't watch them.
  I'm downloading games but I don't play them.
  I'm downloading porns but I don't fap to them.
  What am I?

>> [_] :v 04/29/17(Sat)08:20:16 No.3239460

  Having your traffic monitored for excess bandwidth.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)08:26:23 No.3239461

  nah, I don't have any FUP set from the provider

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)08:27:58 No.3239462

  A miserable little pile of secrets?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)09:11:51 No.3239468

  In this hand
  I have a redd aipple
  and in thisu hand
  I have a bruue aipple


>> [_] :v 04/29/17(Sat)09:19:51 No.3239472

  hey you got the joeaks :D:DDD:D:D:D
  >what haypn when we add gren lemn!?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)09:23:38 No.3239473

  all the multiverses will collide and create a uniuniverse with infinite possibilities existing in
  one plane of realm
  >do it fegit

>> [_] :v 04/29/17(Sat)09:55:27 No.3239485


>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)10:01:54 No.3239489

  First time I've heard your music, good shit anon

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)10:21:30 No.3239494

  Worked a 12 hour day at one of my four jobs. GF was a little upset because it was unexpected. But
  I do love all the jobs I work at.

>> [_] godk 04/29/17(Sat)11:14:01 No.3239508

  the Wayback Machine webcrawler.

  >not mine
  Hmm. Well, the admission of guilt was enough for my sentence. :^)

  Oh, and finally got some sorta OK sleep. off to work, see you turkeys tonight.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)11:17:56 No.3239510

  >having four jobs
  >working 12 hours on just one of them
  >This is good
  What the fuck?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)11:24:59 No.3239515

  in Freeland you can have as many jobs as you want, but God helps you if you forget to pay taxes
  from any and all incomes you make

>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/17(Sat)11:34:34 No.3239519

  What the fuck kind of jobs do you have anyways?
Created: 29/4 -2017 08:59:38 Last modified: 29/4 -2017 19:15:19 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:47:43