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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Cheetah Sets Speed Record for Legged Robots.swf-(2.11 MB, 426x240, Porn) [_] >>3218961 Anonymous 02/25/17(Sat)21:24:03 No.3218999 REAL ROBOTS. REAL ACTION. HIGH PERFORMANCE. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/17(Sat)22:55:07 No.3219025 >>3218999 Fuck Imagine being a human and having one of those chasing you >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/17(Sat)23:22:42 No.3219027 innovative toys of today, death-bot hounds of tomorrow >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/17(Sat)23:23:43 No.3219028 29kmh in non-retard units. >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/17(Sat)23:43:55 No.3219034 Thx science, I can't wait till it's time to be hunted by the machines. >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/17(Sat)23:50:43 No.3219037 >>3219028 O B S E S S E D Pathetic, really. >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)00:17:17 No.3219043 >>3218999 Imagine one of those little shits running towards you with metal claws. >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)00:20:35 No.3219047 >>3219043 gotta fight >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)00:22:16 No.3219049 >>3219043 there's no way to run, you gotta keep yourself alive while you try to think you could possibly to it to damage it >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)00:23:20 No.3219050 >>3219043 there's no way it could be as strong or as aggressive as the real animal >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)00:24:15 No.3219051 >>3219037 Sorry for using a logic unit of measurement. >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)00:24:42 No.3219053 >>3219043 since it's just a running machine it's probably a have a auto targeting gun or something. seems simple enough to make something like that right >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)01:08:17 No.3219071 >>3219028 >>3219051 why don't you use those measurements to walk on the moon or invent the internet or lasers? your're cleerly smart enuff. >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)01:08:55 No.3219072 18mph is not the land speed record, nor is it very fast. >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)01:13:15 No.3219073 Can't wait to be shotgunning hordes of it in the future. >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)01:26:13 No.3219077 >>3219034 Fahrenheit 451 is here, prepare the Salamander... >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)01:35:47 No.3219082 >>3219043 >>3219049 >>3219050 Think again... A cheetah doesn't have an endless array of attachments it can be fitted with, only the teeth and claws it was born with and its attitude. A robot like this- let's just say it doesn't have to outrun you, it simply has to pace you. It has infinitely more stamina than you. Such a tool can be deployed with any number of widgets to subdue a subject. Imagine this thing runs right up to a perp and jabs him with a hot dose of moose tranquilizer, or say it's fitted with a taser, it rushes you and clamps the jumper cables onto your tits and jolts you up a few notches... the possibilities are endless. And no, this is not a movie, you aren't going to last long enough to figure out the script-convenient chink in the armor; you are going to suffer whatever this machine has in store for you. >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)02:27:46 No.3219094 >>3219082 You could probably defeat this robot with stairs and a decently long 2x4. Or you could just build a basic barricade or something. I wouldn't want to be dealing with one on a flat expanse though. >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)03:05:26 No.3219108 >>3219082 the fucker can't swim can it... i'm a mother fucking fish... the guys in jail gave me that nickname. DA MUTHAFUKIN FISH!!!! >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)03:35:23 No.3219115 Big deal, just a infant machine with only one purpose running. 29 kmh's is not really even that fast.We will not live to see the robots take over not in our lifetime nor our children's. Thank god. They will out think us soon though... >> [_] Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)04:12:43 No.3219124 >>3219071 >yeah use the imperial/metric system to invent the internet moron |