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This is resource RO209YJ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/6 -2017 18:03:53

Ended:6/6 -2017 02:46:11

Checked:6/6 -2017 04:12:54

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 29.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Feed the Trap.swf-(1.21 MB, 528x304, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)12:00:13 No.3251128

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)12:01:31 No.3251129

  belet dis

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)12:07:12 No.3251130

  what the hell is this?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)12:22:43 No.3251133

  Average tranny asking for autismpatreonbux

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)12:27:18 No.3251136

  How does it get such sharp teeth when its diet is just goop soup? Like a Nosferatu that drinks
  soylent instead of blood.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)12:39:42 No.3251140


>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)14:15:45 No.3251159

  >Feed the Trap.swf
  I do not think that word means what you think it means.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)14:54:08 No.3251168

  Christ Allfuckingmighty, I'm a fairly liberal guy but I would get a 30/30 and put a couple shells
  through this waste of life in a heartbeat.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)14:57:09 No.3251169

  Its exactly what it means, you gay piece of shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)15:26:36 No.3251182

  >not sure if trolling or serious
  Funny, sure seems like a pass-poor trap to me.
  He's got Shmorky's falsetto.

  Question is, what's your talent, trappy? Not gonna pitch in for your wining, I get that by teh
  boatload for free. You gotta have a talent like Temmie if you want a few dollars.
  Better yet, shave, cut your fucking hair and you can get a job like normal folks. Then you won't
  have to beg for bitcoin.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)16:32:24 No.3251195

  >Cosmo has fallen this far
  This is actually depressing

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)17:40:16 No.3251200

  No, that's just a mentally handicapped boy.

  A trap is a boy that can pass for a girl.
  Keyword: can

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)17:51:19 No.3251202

  >implying a boy that tries to pass as a girl is not mentally handicapped
  wew lad

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)17:52:33 No.3251203

  I think the word you're thinking of is androgynous

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)17:57:40 No.3251204

  They don't need to try. That's what defines a trap.
  If they are actively trying, that's crossdressing.
  if they are actively trying to BE another sex, that's mental illness.

  Get it right, stupid.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)18:02:18 No.3251205

  remove this post at an instant

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)18:02:36 No.3251206

  this meme is not funny

  also I think you read too much chinese cartoon books

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)18:08:27 No.3251207

  Fuck are you on about now?
  Is They an illegal word now?

  These are established usages EVERYWHERE.
  Get out more.
  I only go out 3.5~ times a month and I fucking know this.
  "They" is also now standard usage for gender-neutral.
  In all cases, I was using the term to refer to a person of UNKNOWN gender because those points
  apply to both male and female, not to make some special snowflake retard happy.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)18:14:46 No.3251211

  Donald J Trump please fix this.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)18:17:22 No.3251213

  >another 1500$ per week
  what do trannys spend all their money on? its not like anybody dates them other than chasers so
  its not like they have girlfriends or kids.
  what the fuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)18:19:12 No.3251215

  Most of them tend to live in shitty cities that are artificially expensive to live in.
  Cities breed these types like no tomorrow.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)18:24:51 No.3251217

  why do these stupids threads gain traction
  I'll never understand why the internet is so obsessed with traps

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)18:25:46 No.3251219

  the internet is full of closet fags who want to like dicks but also like pretending they're

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)18:47:06 No.3251222

  No retards. 'Trap' means that you think it's a girl, but it's T R A P.

  This is clearly a tranny so it's not a trap.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)19:09:58 No.3251228

  John Numbers beat him so badly he became a woman.

  These threads are always mixtures of people watching a trainwreck, and people wanting to take
  part in said trainwreck.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)19:27:02 No.3251232

  I would've fucked cosmo is he still looked like that

  It's gotten extremely worse since then

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)19:36:31 No.3251237

  These threads are always mixtures of people watching a trainwreck, and people wanting to take
  part in said trainwreck.

  I approve this statement.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)19:38:08 No.3251238

  Congrats, you're retarded

>> [_] Anonymous 06/05/17(Mon)20:44:37 No.3251254




  J U S T
Created: 5/6 -2017 18:03:53 Last modified: 6/6 -2017 04:13:01 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:38:22