File: meow.swf-(2.33 MB, 300x300, Other)
[_] How was your day, /f/? Anonymous 02/23/17(Thu)16:17:28 No.3218231
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/17(Thu)17:47:41 No.3218243
Fucking terrible. An endless cavalcade of people who are perfectly happy to be ignorant, bugging
me with their incompetence instead of looking it the fuck up themselves.
How was yours?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/17(Thu)17:52:35 No.3218244
Man watching this just served as an intense reminder.
You can't go back, ever, it's far too gone
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/17(Thu)18:07:02 No.3218250
Can't complain. Played some games, had some wanks. All in all, an okay day.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/17(Thu)18:26:24 No.3218253
Did some arguing on the internet. Just woke up a few hours ago, though, so still have a long way
to go.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/17(Thu)18:29:42 No.3218255
Longcat be long.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/23/17(Thu)18:32:53 No.3218257
Boring, uneventful, lonely, feels wasted. A day like every day.