File: Ethereal.swf-(9.84 MB, 1217x852, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 04/24/17(Mon)22:04:09 No.3237748
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/17(Mon)22:07:56 No.3237749
Legendary Loop.
Really nice.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/17(Mon)22:35:32 No.3237758
Always post this but I wish some artist would take the time to have such detailed and stylistic
art in a full game just like this flash
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/17(Mon)22:37:05 No.3237759
That's a game that would require a huge budget, but unfortunately pixel art games aren't near
popular enough.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/24/17(Mon)22:40:00 No.3237761
I don't expect it to ever happen, anyway, I get that
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)02:06:44 No.3237825
Sauce on song?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)03:03:43 No.3237831
Don't look at the arms
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)05:53:40 No.3237856
>them noodle arms
Jesus Christ and people praise this?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)07:49:19 No.3237876
Please refer to the old man's legs too. It's a choice of style, if a bit disturbing.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)08:38:23 No.3237883
then how do you explain the mannequins?
fucking mannequins are fatter than the people
it's full on disturbing
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)09:19:19 No.3237886
Disturbing, you say? Would you even go as far to call it... ethereal?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)09:35:14 No.3237889
I'd go as far as decided to use even go want to do look more like creepy
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/17(Tue)11:17:30 No.3237904
Other than the limbs, it's pretty good.