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This is resource VLL2ODN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/5 -2017 22:34:16

Ended:13/8 -2017 23:07:49

Checked:13/8 -2017 23:18:50

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 11362

Age: 75.02d   Health: 0%   Posters: 6   Posts: 6   Replies: 5   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 23may2017(tu)22:29 No.49793 OP P1

In Epic Sexy Magic, you will play as a magician who is on a quest to save a damsel in distress. Set
in a medieval magic world, with interesting puzzles, nice visuals and an excellent classical
soundtrack, this point and click adventure is quite an addictive game. Its puzzles might be a bit
straightforward, but they are rewarding nonetheless and you will feel amazing after you figure them
out by yourself. The sound effects are quite arousing in this game and you will get to wave your
wand around in order to get to the damsel and fuck her hard.

[IMG] epic_sexy_magic.swf (20.56 MiB)
640x480, Compressed. 86 frames, 29 fps (00:03).
Ver12, AS1/AS2. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 26may2017(fr)06:36 No.49858 A P2R1

Nothing more straightforward than luring a rat using treasure so you can behead it to feed to a
lava worm you don't know is there so it'll eat a stalactite you don't know it needs to.

>> Anonymous 27may2017(sa)15:17 No.49888 B P3R2

As a whole the game turned really weird after entering the giant lava-filled vagina

>> Anonymous 27may2017(sa)16:22 No.49891 C P4R3

Why yes, I'd love to walk into this giant vagina that's covered in flies and frog spittle.

>> Anonymous 30may2017(tu)02:30 No.49991 D P5R4

and using flies to open up another giant vagina

>> Anonymous 2jun2017(fr)19:32 No.50096 E P6R5

Truly a gentleman's and scholar's quest to get only the ripest puss.
Created: 23/5 -2017 22:34:16 Last modified: 13/8 -2017 23:23:46 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:08:34