File: shygirls_ppppu.swf-(912 KB, 480x720, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)03:26:35 No.3216433
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)05:15:19 No.3216456
Not using masks. Best I can give ya is a 2/10.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)07:22:51 No.3216476
Not bad. Not bad at all
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)07:25:18 No.3216477
How did you make the randomiser on it?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)07:50:25 No.3216481
not actual masks/10
Best part about shygirls is the mask.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)09:47:28 No.3216495
>people still editing this shitty flash
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)09:48:26 No.3216497
what's wrong with editing this "shitty" flash?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)10:35:53 No.3216509
Cant remember the name of Original artist. Help please!
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)11:11:18 No.3216513
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)12:07:55 No.3216523
The randomizer on it is made like this:
// Frames from 2 to 12 contains the scenes.
// In every scene there is this script on the last frame:
_parent.gotoAndPlay(1); // Jump on the 1. frame in the parent timeline.
// In the 1. frame in the parent timeline there is this script:
var s = random(11) + 2; // Select a random scene index from 2 to 12.
gotoAndStop(s); // Jump on the selected scene and stop.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/17(Sat)14:12:01 No.3216549
>No masks
>Just Whiteface
into the trash