/ > /fap/ > Thread 11377
Age: 110.01d Health: 0% Posters: 17 Posts: 39 Replies: 29 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 27may2017(sa)12:27 No.49883 OP P1
Fixed a coloration issue.
[IMG] RosaTF_Fixed_Again.swf (1.45 MiB)
626x630, Compressed. 1 frame, 25 fps (00:00).
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Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
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>> Anonymous 27may2017(sa)12:34 No.49884 A P2R1
let's just wait for the time that somebody's complaining about the black Rosalina
>> Anonymous 27may2017(sa)14:29 No.49887 B P3R2
Black chicks covered with white spunk are always a hot sight.
Shame about those toothy lines around the edges though.
>> Anonymous 27may2017(sa)15:39 No.49889 C P4R3
Oh yeah baby mmh shake that 55IQ oh yeah it makes me so horny mmmh thinking about our 60IQ children
makes me nut mmh mmmmh
>> Anonymous 27may2017(sa)18:17 No.49895 D P5R4
damn it anon
>> Anonymous 27may2017(sa)19:13 No.49896 E P6R5
Rosaline is a nigger
>> Anonymous 27may2017(sa)22:58 No.49899 F P7R6
With blonde hair? You had ONE job anon.
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)02:19 No.49904 G P8
>blue eyes
You nigger lovers sure are fucking retarded.
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)03:12 No.49906 H P9R7
Miscegenation is a bitch. Make them both albinos.
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)06:17 No.49913 I P10R8
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)06:59 No.49914 J P11R9
Apparently none of you retards know what a gyaru is.
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)08:50 No.49917 B P12R10
>hair dye doesn't exist
>eye contacts don't exist
Though the eye contacts are a bit too far, I agree.
So you're saying you have 65IQ? Sounds about right.
Anyway, statistical averages do not define individuals. There's plenty of black people smarter than
the average white person. You can CHOOSE who you fuck, you know.
...and you're underscoring by about 25 points.
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)14:20 No.49919 K P13R11
>So you're saying you have 65IQ?
Also, why say shes a nigger in stead of assuming shes one of those retards that stays in the sun
waaaaaay too long
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)18:36 No.49924 L P14R12
This, anyone who isn't #FFFFFF white is a nigger in my book.
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)20:03 No.49926 B P15R13
Why not take both?
If I had to choose though... there's a good reason not to fuck a jersey shore slut: she's
DEFINITELY filled with STD's, and probably some random guy's jizz.
What reason do could you have for denying pussy based on race? It's good, healthy, fertile pussy.
It's good.
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)20:46 No.49927 G P16
>What reason do could you have for denying pussy based on race?
>It's good, healthy, fertile pussy. It's good.
>standards as a man don't exist
>self-respect as a man doesn't exist
Looks like you already knew the answer, before you even asked it.
What reason could you have for denying pussy based on stereotype?
#NotAllGuidettes #GuidetteCuntsMatter #CURRENTYEAR
Hypocrisy never sleeps.
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)20:57 No.49928 B P17
I'll be 100% brutally honest with you.
It sounds like you're very insecure. Because of your small dick.
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)22:29 No.49931 F P18R14
ginger version plz
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)22:32 No.49932 F P19
nvm ill do it myself
>> Anonymous 28may2017(su)23:28 No.49940 G P20
HAH! Jokes on you, I have Erectile Dysfunction!
To repeat myself from your other cuntpost.
>basic bitch shaming tactics are gonna work on a chan
>> Anonymous 29may2017(mo)00:28 No.49941 B P21R15
>> Anonymous 29may2017(mo)05:54 No.49946 H P22R16
Regression to the mean. Even smart niggers will have dumb nigger babies because that is the state
of their race. It would take smart niggers breeding with each other for a thousand years before
their race shows any improvement.
>> Anonymous 29may2017(mo)12:54 No.49958 L P23R17
not only you're a virgin faggot loser but you're also paranoid
and yes "basic bitch" tactics do work because you're now mentioning this from another thread
stay insecure and mad lol
>> Anonymous 29may2017(mo)13:07 No.49961 G P24
>What is "used informally to indicate all members of a group, occupation, etc., or things of a
particular type"
>Ctrl+V = mad
keklmaoroflayylmao stay mad cunts lulz topkekkerino.
>> Anonymous 29may2017(mo)13:17 No.49963 B P25R18
>> Anonymous 29may2017(mo)15:42 No.49965 C P26R19
This queer knows his stuff.
Don't misgeneate kids, intelligence is the only thing that matters and subhumans don't got no
>> Anonymous 29may2017(mo)19:07 No.49977 L P27R20
Lol you're coming here to have a wank but in the end you're just leaving with a brain aneurysm from
stay eternally mad
>> Anonymous 29may2017(mo)19:48 No.49980 G P28
>you're coming here to have a wank
>> Anonymous 29may2017(mo)23:59 No.49987 B P29R21
You know, if you have to be racist about the whole thing, think of it that way: you're cucking
black guys. You're impregnating their women behind their backs, and leaving them with your
children. That must hurt.
>> Anonymous 30may2017(tu)03:15 No.49994 C P30R22
You're also generating more subhumans like some kind of retard.
I know you human-shaped trash don't got no concept of the future or any capacity for delayed
gratification, but humans tend to prefer that their offsprings be human too.
>> Anonymous 30may2017(tu)16:57 No.50011 B P31R23
No, man, you're cleansing the vile evil in their black ovum with your virtuous, good white sperm
cells, not the other way around. The rightousness of white people is so strong that all their
offspring comes out as human, it just looks a bit different.
For a white supremacist, you have an awfully low amount of confidence in the power of whiteness.
Hell, you don't even have to impregnate anyone. Just fuck some black guy's woman. You would be
crushed if a white woman you love fucked one of them detestable niggers, pregnancy or not, right?
Just strike back.
>> Anonymous 30may2017(tu)21:53 No.50017 M P32
Boy, this board sure has become cancerous.
>> Anonymous 30may2017(tu)22:08 No.50020 L P33R24
I don't think you realize the irony of talking about being superior to others in a place like this
You should've seen the massive "beef curtains" shitposting
>> Anonymous 30may2017(tu)22:14 No.50021 M P34
>implying I haven't
C'mon, man, fucking everyone's seen that shit.
>> Anonymous 30may2017(tu)22:40 No.50022 B P35R25
Fuck off, I'm busy trying to convinca a clansman to start seducing black women.
Whatever do you mean?
>> Anonymous 31may2017(we)02:47 No.50025 N P36R26
dude i feel you
there use to be really good porn here, now there's nothing really fappable
I don't know how to contribute, nor do i think i could if i did know
I don't want this place to fall off my map, but it looks more and more like i'll have to eventually
>> Anonymous 2jun2017(fr)06:34 No.50069 O P37R27
>Gyaru Rosa
Wheover made this, thank you.
>> Anonymous 2jun2017(fr)14:03 No.50086 OP P38R28
I actually made this as a joke to piss off the people bitching about the last edit. But you're
>> Get Dunked on 5jul2017(we)17:22 No.50971 P P39R29
I love chocolate on vanilla action.