File: 92115.swf-(3.47 MB, 499x477, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)03:23:27 No.3252597
sleep tonight
awaken tomorrow
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)04:10:39 No.3252605
What's with the swf name?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)04:18:41 No.3252606
it's a date
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)04:57:16 No.3252614
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)07:52:08 No.3252635
This is the kind of content I come to /f/ for.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)08:07:31 No.3252636
What if its already tomorrow and i couldnt sleep?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)10:11:24 No.3252662
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)11:56:52 No.3252681
sleep tonight
never awaken again
One of these days, I swear.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)20:55:32 No.3252770
As a highlander I can't hear this theme without my blood boiling. The motherfucker who used this
as a film theme claimed he composed it himself, despite it being note for fucking note the same
as a gaelic lament for the clearances and Cromwell's raids in the north. Seriously, the original
song is from the goddamn 1700s and it's note for note the same. The guy won a fucking oscar.
Lying whore...
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)20:59:03 No.3252772
I guess mass rape, killings, displacement, destruction of hundred of years of culture and
attempted genocide don't matter a long as it's against whites. Just look at the Irish; hundreds
of years of bullshit and people still call the war for freedom the fucking 'troubles'. Christ,
it's not even remembered anymore that Cromwell literally wanted to exterminate the Irish, like
the Nazis did with the Jews. It was the same idea, he just didn't have machine-guns and gas
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)21:45:14 No.3252787
nah it's just we're not pussies like the rest of the world. We live and let live, unlike others
who want to hold grudges for centuries and centuries and hold us all back.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/17(Sat)22:22:33 No.3252794
Shut up, you mick bastard.