File: o how far the mighty hath fallen.swf-(8.49 MB, 1280x720, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)14:03:04 No.3244923
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)14:10:08 No.3244925
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)14:11:47 No.3244926
I want to unironically know what you meant by this.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)14:18:58 No.3244929
>Bill Nye is known as the "science guy" nickname
>presents latest studies on gender and behavior patterns
In short, le scientific fedora gentlemen flipping out because he should decide what is science
and what is not.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)14:26:38 No.3244932
I can't tell if you're in favor or against Bill Nye, but I think the main reason the controversy
started is because he portrayed blatantly unscientific things such as multiple different genders
as legitimate scientific fact on his new Netflix series.
The majority of the human population recognizes that mentally ill people screaming about the
voices in their heads telling them they should identify as apache helicopters is NOT fact, thus
the backlash.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)14:39:48 No.3244935
It's not a matter about Bill Nye, but how ignorant people are acting, while pretending to be
smart and pro-science, when in true they are being superstitious and biased as they can be.
He presented first gender as a identity, a fact about attraction and personality, and not only a
genitalia matter. That can be confirmed by any respected psychologist. And yes, that is a
science. Of course under a slow motion edited video with "Hurt" playing, everything will look
In truth, Bill Nye, out of this edit, gave word for people graduated in science subjects,
explaining behavior, gender, identity and so on, with some humor bits in the middle of it, like
the girl singing about her vagina.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)14:50:30 No.3244938
Why vanilla?
Why not chocolate or lemon?
Actually stracciatella is where it's at. All ice creams should strive to be like stracciatella
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)15:57:11 No.3244950
Maybe you watched the episode, but it's clear you refused to pay attention to the message.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)16:06:12 No.3244952
At least he got paid.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)16:10:54 No.3244954
Stop posting footage of the holocaust
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)16:53:08 No.3244964
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)16:56:08 No.3244965
>not recognizing vanilla as the most complex flavor listed
please leave
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)16:58:31 No.3244966
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)17:11:01 No.3244969
Reminder that this isn't about being a victim to supposed "hetero-washing therapy" rather this
cartoon makes it seem okay in a child's eyes that it's fine to force your ideals if you are
feeling horny and if the person appears to be a prude and sticks to their ideals or eh ya know
dumb ol religion. When you're homo no means no doesn't apply to you especially when you have a
mob of soft served cone lickers as friends who accompany you in your conversion therapy. Also,
converting someone to being gay is perfectly fine but if they're gay to straight holy fuck
someone pull the fire alarm and call double bullshit.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)17:14:48 No.3244970
*tips fedora*
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)17:16:04 No.3244971
the fuck are you even talking about
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)17:22:09 No.3244973
forgot link
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)17:41:37 No.3244977
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)17:50:48 No.3244979
This is what bothered me, instead of respecting Vanilla's beliefs, or perhaps convincing him to
not be so critical of the other flavors, they instead force him to become a flaming faggot like
the rest of them, implying that he has improved himself, not by becoming tolerant, but by ceasing
to be hetero. I didn't have much issue with Nye's show, but that ice cream skit bothered me.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)18:12:29 No.3244984
Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writting the results
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)18:14:38 No.3244985
There are two sexes and two genders, male and female. That's it. That's all. Everything else is
either a genetic mutation (hermaphrodism is not natural in humans) or is a mental disorder called
gender dysphoria. Let me repeat that second one: a MENTAL DISORDER called gender dysphoria.
What Bill Nye appears to be celebrating by inviting people on to rant about cultural
appropriation and sing songs about vaginas, is not science. It is not even pseudoscience. It is
leftist neoprogressive tumblr dogma.
Furthermore vagina girl isn't fucking funny, it's one of the cringiest things I have ever
witnessed in my entire life.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)18:18:06 No.3244986
Also, further, you can be a flaming faggot or turn yourself into half a woman or be a big rugged
half-guy with a vagina by injecting yourself with hormones. Sure, you're fucking insane in my
opinion, but sure. That is your decision, the same way it's my decision not to associate openly
with crazy people.
It isn't that you can't do these things. It's that doing these things does not magically make
more genders exist.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)18:23:27 No.3244988
Do you have a PhD in biology, or MD, or similar related degree? Can you show me the research
you've published? Or are you talking out of your ass from hurt feelings that your worldview is
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)18:28:35 No.3244989
God says there is no third gender
Suck on that you filthy pagans
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)18:43:41 No.3244993
>appeal to authority falacy
not that anon but I don't need PhD in Biology to see through bullshit
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)18:47:30 No.3244994
not either anon but you kinda do, otherwise you're very susceptible to confirmation bias
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)18:49:55 No.3244995
>you do
No you don't.
Then I guess when Bible says earth is only 6000year old then it's a fact because it's Bible is
also form of authority.
You don't need to be a priest to see that as a bullshit, just like you don't need PhD in Biology
to see people with mental issues being different sex as bullshit.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:04:35 No.3244998
can we please stop posting this? anyone who wanted to save it already has, and the only thing its
doing now is providing a space for people to bitch about who's a fedora fag. Saged
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:05:00 No.3244999
Oh sad really. Helped as a assistant teacher and watched Bill Nye in a science class and almost
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:09:53 No.3245000
This show is a joke at this point I'm not surprised that he sold himself so hard to the point
that it's only satisfying the SJW's.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:16:09 No.3245002
That's a false equivalence but nice job using a fallacy as justification against a fallacy
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:25:16 No.3245006
>Social """science"""
>Actual hard science
Pick one and only one.
> (hermaphrodism is not natural in humans)
Actually it is, you mean it is not a statistically significant occurrence and it is not normative
for any known human population.
Furthermore you are wrong about gender, gender is a cultural construct, just like how Inuits have
many names for the color of snow a culture can have multiple gender categories based on
behaviors, though admittedly western euro culture is not a society that makes such fine
distinctions and instead focuses on broad categories and individualism within said catagories.
Also you shouldn't rely on "mental disorders" when they are a construct from the same flawed
""science"" that you are criticizing. The definition of a disorder is a normative judgement that
will vary by the culture in which it presents just as gender might. If you wish to dismiss
different genders as unreal, don't rely on other unreal concepts.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:27:37 No.3245007
*human genders
Other than that, you are technically correct.
There are many species that don't follow the male-female route roles.
There are ones that are herm-female.
Oddly I don't think there has been any male-herm found, period. (so much for /d/s utopia fetish)
There's even ones that have 3rd and more gender roles that have some input in the reproduction
But humans, oh abso-fucking-lutely male-female only.
True herms in humans aren't viable. At least, I don't think there has been any viable.
And if it is, it's probably one in a BILLION.
It's a genetic freak of nature that is unlikely to become the norm any time soon. Stuff like that
can take thousands of generations to bubble up, IF it ever does.
Presently most people see Herms as repugnant and wrong, outside of special snowflake capitals
like California. (ironically because of these cunts)
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:36:02 No.3245010
>Everything else is either a genetic mutation (hermaphrodism is not natural in humans) or is a
mental disorder called gender dysphoria.
Cite your sources.
Also, by what measure is hermaphrodism not "natural" in humans? It occurs naturally.
Hermaphrodites are typically sterile, but other mutations can cause sterility without be
unnatural. And do not think you can get away with saying that mutation is not natural. Nature is
half mutation.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:41:29 No.3245012
Wouldn't that be sex not gender?
>Oddly I don't think there has been any male-herm found
Huh, really? How does that work exactly? Is hermaphroditsm only caused by genes on the female sex
chromosomes, or impeded by male sex chromosomal configurations, did it only ever arise once and
as such can only occur a specific way? Well anyways I wouldn't have assumed that would be the
case as a layman since there is such diversity in the biological life of earth, but that's some
interesting shit.
>True herms in humans aren't viable. At least, I don't think there has been any viable.
I believe there was one reported case where they were technically viable, but physiological
deformities as well as hormonal systems made it a moot point and without extensive intervention
it would never lead to anything,
>Presently most people see Herms as repugnant and wrong,
B-but my pals down on 4chan told me futa was cool and lust for feminine dick was totally straight
and normal!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:45:57 No.3245015
Do you know retarded you sound right now
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:46:22 No.3245016
>B-but my pals down on 4chan told me futa was cool and lust for feminine dick was totally
straight and normal!
It is my friend, it is.
Totally straight. It's just a female squirting straw so you can drink it.
Nothing gay at all. Straws help maintain dignity and grace when consuming a liquid.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:48:00 No.3245017
It's called basic knowledge, you fucking spastic.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:48:38 No.3245019
Is there any reason, positive or negative, to watch this show?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:52:59 No.3245020
And what is this "basic knowledge" based on, aside from personal bias?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:54:06 No.3245021
Tell me how 'there are two sexes' isn't basic knowledge? Fuck outta here.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:57:09 No.3245025
I wouldn't consider an understanding of genetics to be basic considering most people, including
you, lack it.
Unless you mean "common knowledge" which is argumentum ad populum and irrelevant.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:58:50 No.3245028
>using the Johnny Cash cover
the original is better desu
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:59:14 No.3245029
oh yeah when im up in da club I be like oh oh sex my junk up im the science man I know the
science mann yeah we all got 5 genders pucci boys galore, fuck Link in the ass get him with a
bing bong im Bill Nye the new age science guy let me take you for a ride
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)19:59:45 No.3245030
I don't understand genetics, but what exactly are you arguing here? Nothing in anon's ( >>3
244985) is incorrect.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:27:38 No.3245037
Friendly reminder that Bill Nye is wrong, because science is only science when it conforms to
your politics.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:28:18 No.3245038
>"The only science is "hard" science!"
>"Psychology studies are useless and say nothing about the issue!"
>Proceed to call everyone "mentally ill"
topkek, never change
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:28:52 No.3245039
Seeing all this butthurt is really helping my mental health
>people probably deny religion in the name of science
>end up becoming the new religious nuts who can't accept the evolution of science
you are becoming the people you hate
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:30:28 No.3245040
>the only science is the one on Beakman's World
literally 4th grade mentality
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:31:40 No.3245042
...What science? Nothing Nye said in those clips was science, it was just political nonsense.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:32:55 No.3245043
Or even worse
>famous scientist presents the new founds on gender studies
Well, no shit Sherlock. Who said it was?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:33:16 No.3245044
>people think they can decide where to stop
What are you amish?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:34:22 No.3245045
funny you mention that, since political studies are also a science
So even in your cherry picking, you still wrong
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:39:53 No.3245049
>I'm so smart I only consider physics, chemistry and astronomy real scientific arguments
>use none of those scientific fields to explain their case, going instead for biology,
psychiatric diagnosis and politics
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:40:17 No.3245050
That anon's assertion that sex and gender is black and white is fundamentally incorrect.
In humans alone there are many permutations of chromosomes, physical sex expression and sex
hormones to begin with, which /do/ occur naturally, despite what that anon thinks because
spoiler: your entire genome is a genetic mutation.
We group ourselves into two for simplicity but it's entirely possible to have a genetic anomaly
and not even be aware of it.
Furthermore, there is no rule that says an organism MUST have two sexes, though admittedly
organisms with more than two are usually simpler, like bacteria. There isn't even a rule that
your sex is set in stone, some organisms change their throughout the course of their lives.
The entire idea that "there are MALE and FEMALE and THAT'S IT" is not supported by anything
except ignorance
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:40:49 No.3245051
>complaining about turds from inside the toilet
Come on anon, you know there's no flushing this one.
That said, I will just point out the consistency of the shit swirling around this bowl; this
flash being a little more "consistent".
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:46:33 No.3245052
Bill Nye and his producers, writers, and any other tool associated with them all need their
gonads extracted with rusty pliers.
No, I'm not tolerant. I'm Correct.
Correct knows no tolerance.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:49:07 No.3245053
>No, I'm not tolerant. I'm Correct.
>Correct knows no tolerance.
spot the fedora
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:49:29 No.3245054
And here I thought you folks loved when someone said what they wanted regardless the consequences
But then again Bill isn't spray-painted orange
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:49:35 No.3245055
>The entire idea that "there are MALE and FEMALE and THAT'S IT" is not supported by anything
except ignorance
Maybe there is more to it, but for simplicity, that's all there really is. Some men might have
womanly hips, and some women might have a deep voice, but they can still be solidly determined to
be either male or female. Anything else is irrelevant.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:50:37 No.3245056
Humor me here, how is sex determined?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:51:02 No.3245057
Wow, nice post. You sure showed him with that snarky quip, you 'fedora' poster, you!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:52:13 No.3245059
Is this a trick question? Cock n' balls, or tits n' cunt.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:52:40 No.3245060
going for "WE LEGIUN!" edge quote is asking for it anyway
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:54:23 No.3245061
Okay, so what if you have all of the above?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:55:51 No.3245063
Then you disfigured your body OR you're a genuine herm, which is extremely rare and thus
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)20:56:44 No.3245064
You feed yourself every day you sit down to a meal... are you a fucking PhD. in nutrition?
Where's your Culinary Arts credentials?
Stop playing games of sophistry, peppered with reductio-ad-absurdum, it's all quite transparent,
if not perfectly tedious.
happens to be correct on the most fundamental "no-brainer" levels.
Check out any knowledgebase of psychiatric teaching right up to the appropriation of the
Institution of Education by the leftists. This has been known since antiquity.
Lefty takes over molding young mush-minds, and suddenly BAM!
You have 20 genders that NORMAL people all MUST respect or face dire social consequences.
There's one thing that Leftist, Globalist, Marxist, (insert your own -ist), infiltrators ALL
The quickest and surest way to dominate a system is to break it from within. To break a society
takes destruction of normalcy, to introduce "cancer", if you will.
Remember, a sick fighter cannot fight back.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:01:42 No.3245067
Promoting gender dysphoria isn't a science. If anything, it's a mental disorder, and I suppose in
that sense it is a science, but we both know that's not what you're advocating for.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:04:16 No.3245070
It's rarer than normal, but it's not irrelevant. If something as simple as XY sex determination
can have blurred lines, how can there be only two genders, which are defined by a larger number
of much more nuanced variables?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:19:51 No.3245079
>citation needed
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:20:01 No.3245080
Bill Nye was never good and I'm puzzled by how so many faggots claim their childhood is ruined
because he repeating leftist dogma.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:21:18 No.3245081
Post links or gtfo.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:25:02 No.3245083
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:33:53 No.3245091
You did that tl/dr bullshit again.
Try to read through before commenting.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:34:56 No.3245092
didn't find >>3245028
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:36:02 No.3245093
Guess what stupid faggots that's me
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:40:54 No.3245097
Because there are either zero, or so close to zero it may as well be zero cases of
reproductively-viable hermaphrodites (IN HUMANS, if you want to be a pedantic fuck.) There are
cases where one part works or the other works, but I know of no cases of a living person that has
both a working set of testes and a working womb. There are examples of people with both types of
tissue present, testicular and ovarian, but whether or not both parts "worked" is up for debate.
You have people who are MALE and capable of producing SPERM, and you have people who are FEMALE
and capable of producing OVUM. (Ovums? Fuck it.)
Beyond these two things, everything else genetically does not have a sex, as it never produces
offspring (and thus is, if you're going to argue evolution, an evolutionary dead-end.)
THAT PRODUCE BABIES! To which I say yes, and reproduction only gives a shit about their fucking
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:42:00 No.3245098
>Not liking Johnny Cash
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:42:42 No.3245099
>liking an inferior version of a great song
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:44:40 No.3245101
>if they are famous they must be right
Also once again
>gender studies
Does not compute.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:49:23 No.3245102
>here's the biologic proof that identity and gender are associated and...
Alright then, enlightened gentlemen
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:51:24 No.3245104
You argued nothing. Your point is invalid.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/17(Tue)21:56:00 No.3245107
>Implying what you claimed has any proof to it
>Implying that your theoretical nonexistent proof would be sufficient to pas muster even if it
You're barking up the wrong tree anyways, I'm a believer in genetic determinism, that still
doesn't mean I would accept some bullshit containing no real insight from soft sciences fuckwads
in the field of gender studies.