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This is resource Z1PI1XE, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/4 -2017 15:34:06

Ended:18/4 -2017 01:03:26

Checked:18/4 -2017 01:29:40

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: telescope.swf-(760 KB, 664x490, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)09:29:21 No.3235285

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Mia 04/17/17(Mon)09:43:17 No.3235289

  Very cool, but a little newb program

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)09:50:13 No.3235294

  what do you expect from 760KB flash?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:24:07 No.3235351

  >leave planet
  lel, i fucking wish

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:50:17 No.3235377

  Is there a reason why all the planets circle the sun roughly on one plane or is that a coincidence

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:52:13 No.3235378

  dubs, its inaccurate

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:00:25 No.3235379

  what's concerning me is why uranus ring is vertical and not horizontal. I thought all sattelites
  orbits in the way the planet is rotating, more or less.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)17:45:08 No.3235405

  I grabbed Pluto by the taint and spun that shit around until I got further along in the time line
  then the calendar lets you.
  I got to the year 2525. I can't tell if man is still alive.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)17:46:00 No.3235407

  Quit renaming flashes.

  This is orrery

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:47:56 No.3235427

  hey, but after all, if woman can survive, they may find.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:58:50 No.3235430

  the linear momentum of all the dust in the solar nebula cancelled out any motion in any direction
  other that counterclockwise around the Sun. Pluto is the only big famous "planet" that isn't
  quite in the same plane
Created: 17/4 -2017 15:34:06 Last modified: 18/4 -2017 01:29:48 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:38:03