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This is resource Z1W5O35, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/5 -2017 02:21:11

Ended:12/8 -2017 03:11:42

Checked:12/8 -2017 03:20:19

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

   / > /fap/ > Thread 11320

   Age: 80.03d   Health: 0%   Posters: 7   Posts: 9   Replies: 7   Files: 1+2

   >> Anonymous 17may2017(we)02:17 No.49548 OP P1

   Zone - Ashi (Loop) (Musicless).swf

   a simple edit, any requests for other zone flashes to get similar treatment?

    73 - Ashi (no music).swf (8.05 MiB)
   1280x720, Uncompressed. 166 frames, 24 fps (00:07).
   Ver36, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
   Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
   [find in archive]

   >> Anonymous 17may2017(we)07:28 No.49558 A P2R1

   Well now I want to know what music was in this.

   >> Anonymous 17may2017(we)07:32 No.49560 B P3R2

   no, because there are tons of zone edits here on swfchan...
   only because you found jpexs, doesn't mean, you're now a pro editor or something else who needs

   >> Anonymous 17may2017(we)09:17 No.49563 OP P4R3

   i'm not sure what the music is, you can find the original on swfchan with the music intact, it
   might be from samurai jack but i still haven't watched it because i'm an idiot so idk

   wow ok dickhead so 1) i use software by sothink i've been using for a decade to do this i have
   no clue what jpexs is 2) i never called myself a pro editor for replacing an mp3 3) i don't need
   attention if i did i would put my name on this shit 4) why are you trashing me for offering to
   do something that not everyone is able to do / aware it can be done what is wrong with you log

   >> Anonymous 17may2017(we)09:23 No.49564 OP P5

   also, you may be a dickhead, but thanks for the tip about jpexs. this is way faster!

   >> Anonymous 18may2017(th)03:26 No.49594 C P6R4

i just keep wondering why people aren't at least putting "zone" in the filename

   >> Anonymous 18may2017(th)16:24 No.49611 D P7R5

   Needs a pasha version /s

   >> Anonymous 20may2017(sa)06:57 No.49668 E P8R6

   How about removing that useless warning screen next time too, OP...

   >> Anonymous 20may2017(sa)14:45 No.49676 F P9R7

   i hope you get ebola
Created: 17/5 -2017 02:21:11 Last modified: 12/8 -2017 03:24:20 Server time: 02/01 -2025 15:19:34