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Threads (2):
File: Peace in the Middle East.swf-(9.99 MB, 624x352, Other) [_] Anon 3017939 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3017962 a cuck with a duck >> [_] Anon 3017964 INTERRACIAL >> [_] Anon 3017993 this episode was really sweet >> [_] Anon 3018001 why isnt there a allahu ackbar edit of this >> [_] Anon 3018034 Super cute >> [_] Anon 3018039 aw I was hoping to see the muslims die >> [_] Anon 3018064 >># What does CK stand for anyway? >> [_] Anon 3018067 >># Cuck King. King of all cucks. >> [_] Anon 3018115 >tfw no dead sand niggers >> [_] Anon 3018125 Ahh. If only.
File: Peace in the Middle East.swf-(9.99 MB, 624x352, Other) [_] Anon 3014351 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3014398 The religion of piss. >> [_] Anon 3014419 >># This is what liberals actually believe >> [_] Anon 3014420 "Oh, its just that cuck! Ha ha!" >> [_] Anon 3014425 I know they always say laughter is the best medicine. But Louie does not make people laugh like that - it's all a delusion he portrays to his brain dead audience. It's just like >># said, he's just a cuck. >> [_] The guy From Middle east 3014434 Thats not true fucking murican holywood They killed the muriocans raped theire bodies and killed the duckling and boiled it to eat it >> [_] Anon 3014437 >># >he's just a cuck. Pretty sure he's the Cuck King which is above a mere cuck. >> [_] Anon 3014438 >># Boiling a duckling takes finesse. They would've just roasted it over a fire. >> [_] Anon 3014439 >># Poor poor invaders, they didn't deserve that. It's war son, stop being sanctimonious. >> [_] Anon 3014460 >># "The barely trained unarmored brownies would kill the most trained, most expensive military, wearing actual armor." I know this was bait, but cmon. >> [_] Anon 3014474 Its just like my chinese cartoons |