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This is resource ACHNQEK, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/6 -2017 22:38:25

Ended:26/6 -2017 10:39:37

Checked:26/6 -2017 14:04:44

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Derailed.swf-(812 KB, 550x400, Other)
[_] Don't do this Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)16:33:04 No.3256732

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)17:07:01 No.3256745

  Have you heard that Rockstar (via their publisher) sent a cease and desist letter to OpenIV? It
  effectively kills off the single player modding for GTA V. They are doing it because the better
  mods single player have the less chance it is that new players come online and buy virtual
  currency for real money. It's strange how evil Rockstar has become, I used to respect them for
  the great single player experiences their games brought. Now it's all about online and all about

  What's worse is that they are getting way less heat than Bethesda. Rockstar want to kill off
  modding while Bethesda want to employ modders. Fuck what Rockstar is doing.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)17:54:30 No.3256755

  Did someone say Spider-man?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)19:15:30 No.3256770

  Re:Zero is a really good anime, anyone else reading the light novel?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)19:54:33 No.3256781

  I got hooked after seeing how original the storyline is, but I don't know where to read the light
  novel(in english)

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)19:58:47 No.3256782

  Here's a well done fan translation of the story: You can start
  reading where the anime left off. The anime was pretty faithful to the book. I'd defiantly
  recommend it

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)20:04:01 No.3256784

  Thanks mate, have a (You)

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)20:25:23 No.3256789


>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)20:59:37 No.3256795

  be a whole lot easier if you weren't such a massive faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)21:05:00 No.3256797

  im gay

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)21:05:51 No.3256798

  I like to eat well done steak right next to an inwards positioned toilet paper roll while I rub
  skub on my superior cut dick and watch diebuster episodes.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)21:07:31 No.3256799

  Did somebody say Das Chaos frisiert sich nicht?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)21:34:34 No.3256804

  Just watched a summary of E3 this year. Minecraft and Skyrim. Can we PLEASE stop it with fucking
  Minecraft and Skyrim? These are old ass games and people still treat them as brand new gems of
  the modern age. If I hear hype about anything related to Minecraft or Skyrim one more God damn
  time I swear I'm going to snap.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)21:41:27 No.3256805

  Damn, after all these years, I just realized it's IMPOSSIBLE to derail a thread on /f/.

  It's like trying to burn the sun.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)21:41:36 No.3256806

  Isn't it ironic that the thread about derailment is actually about being derailed? Let's talk
  about that.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)21:57:32 No.3256808

  Thank God! Finally, someone with some sense! Do you like cock as much as I do, too? We might just
  be soul mates, buddy.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)22:42:11 No.3256817

  What are you trying to derail in the first place? The only threads that have something resembling
  a discussion are political clickbaits.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)23:00:17 No.3256821

  /f/ stands for flush

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)23:41:37 No.3256826

  only as a /jp/ meme
  God, Anon's cock... dude

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)01:07:28 No.3256837

  dude we always discuss the posted flashes

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)03:18:14 No.3256855

  Just play the VN when it comes out. I think with the setting and all it could really add to the

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)03:26:59 No.3256858

  not trying to derail anything, it's just when I see a Spiderman Thread I go all spaghetti.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)04:38:36 No.3256875

  sauce on song?
Created: 25/6 -2017 22:38:25 Last modified: 26/6 -2017 14:05:11 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:15:16