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Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3299459 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18. Discovered flash files: 1
File: 24858096_132699977412867_1821908578454208512_n.swf-(2.23 MB, 400x224, Anime) [_] bear eat you 12/06/17(Wed)17:14:05 No.3299459 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)17:22:59 No.3299463 >>3299459 That nigga dead >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)17:30:38 No.3299465 >>3299463 sure unless he's Leonardo DiCaprio in which case he'll just walk it off >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)17:32:34 No.3299466 >>3299465 Whats the anime? >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)18:06:04 No.3299481 yeah, what's the sauce on this? >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)18:11:10 No.3299483 >>3299466 >>3299481 Amagami SS >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)18:23:57 No.3299484 >>3299483 And the bear footage? >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)19:20:30 No.3299498 >>3299484 some dude getting attacked by a bear >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)19:27:08 No.3299502 I'm absolutely terrified at the idea of a bear attack. Yet why did I laugh? >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)19:37:59 No.3299505 >>3299502 Maybe cause it has an anime girl yelling rawr in the background over the footage you autist >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)19:38:58 No.3299506 >>3299484 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsCqmotxyME >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)19:45:15 No.3299510 >>3299465 >>3299506 We have a DiCaprio apparently >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)19:49:18 No.3299513 >>3299505 wow. rude. >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)22:04:51 No.3299534 >subtitles say "rawr" >girl yells "guooooooooa" ??? >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)22:12:01 No.3299540 >>3299534 'Gao' is japanese onomatopeia for an animal's roar >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)22:14:39 No.3299541 >>3299540 Thanks >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)22:47:34 No.3299545 >>3299459 >not "bear gryllis - anime adventure" >> [_] Anonymous 12/06/17(Wed)22:49:46 No.3299546 >>3299459 >tfw a cute anime girl bear will never tear you to pieces and devour you Why do I even exist? |