File: Blade Runner 20♂9.swf-(4.64 MB, 1280x720, Game)
[_] Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)14:34:01 No.3295030
[A] [Y]
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)14:37:05 No.3295032
why 209 and not 249?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)14:39:15 No.3295033
is mildly close to a 6
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)14:40:42 No.3295034
The gayman symbol that is..
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)14:43:10 No.3295035
just realized it didnt show up in my reply lol
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)21:58:10 No.3295151
i agree that the male symbol, which contains an o, would have been better suited for the 0...
also after watching the movie i realized how god damned hard it would be for girls to find a
husband in that world. sex bots and AI waifus everywhere
the concept of the movie is pretty silly though. i mean first of all you dont want androids
driving machines, you want self-driving machines. second giving androids memories and making them
close to humans is just an unnecessary risk for them to develop feelings.
3) if the point of androids giving birth to other androids is to spread humanity to the stars why
do you need human-like slaves? build barebone simple robots that do what you tell you instead of
thinking androids that can go rogue.
4) mimicking humans is a huge waste of energy that serves no purpose unless you are building a
sex-bot. that energy could be put into computing power instead but now have to be wasted on chest
movement to take in air, which needs to be processed in order to fuel cells. when they smile as a
human a million muscles need to operate and waste energy to make it look real. it just wont
happen IRL, unless its for a sex-bot but then you dont give her memories or any kind of way to
think outside the box
also why the fuck would that female android just leave the main android guy character knocked out
on the roof for the rebellion to find him? right after she destroyed his AI wife. i mean finish
the job
also, when they wanted to torture deckard why did they need to transport him off world? surely
the most powerful man in the galaxy have a torture shed somewhere nearby on earth...
i of course liked the movie though. happy that they settled the fact that Rick Deckard was human
once and for all so people stop posting about it online