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This is resource BUKRE6F, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/10 -2017 07:50:42

Ended:27/10 -2017 02:21:32

Checked:27/10 -2017 04:03:04

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Girl Totally Naked.swf-(4.16 MB, 320x240, Porn)
[_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)01:48:10 No.3290056

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)01:51:01 No.3290057


>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)02:00:07 No.3290060

  I want to say an art piece, but Asians are notoriously sadistic when given permission to be.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)03:02:51 No.3290068


>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)04:36:19 No.3290074

  why are girls so cruel to each other

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)04:55:38 No.3290076

  a sacrifice to the gods

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)04:56:50 No.3290078

  Believe it or not penis is in short supply

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)05:22:48 No.3290083

  There's a shitton of similar videos out there. Short yellow people seem to consider stripping an
  integral part of bullying.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)11:46:02 No.3290112

  I've heard about this. Apparently the girl being bullied had hit on one of the other girls'
  boyfriend, so she got her friends together to teach her a lesson.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)12:20:25 No.3290115

  nuke em

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)15:05:41 No.3290139

  this makes me sad

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)15:25:15 No.3290144

  this is human nature, the part that is usually covered with a veneer of civility.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)15:58:32 No.3290149

  The first part of this is cut out, where you can see her being raped, although only the very end
  of it. Or maybe the guy failed at raping her because he was flacid as fuck.
  The beginning is full of airtfacts and the colours are wrong, so you can't make much out if

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)17:26:08 No.3290159

  Am I in the sorority yet?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)18:01:05 No.3290160

  Backwards fucks. If they tried doing that shit to me I'd fucking buy a gun and make sure to blow
  out every single one of their brains.

  I'd rather die that live with shame like that

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)18:24:21 No.3290166

  sure you would

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)18:29:16 No.3290168

  It's not like I haven't considered suicide when dealing with problems in my life before.
  Something like this would probably be a final straw.
  As for the blowing their brains out part, wouldn't you want to get revenge on the people who
  brought you the point of suicide?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/17(Thu)20:19:40 No.3290183

  women need to be heavily controlled so they don't do these kinds of things to each other
Created: 26/10 -2017 07:50:42 Last modified: 27/10 -2017 04:03:14 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:27:06