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This is resource EXIFE7T, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/7 -2017 05:55:30

Ended:20/7 -2017 17:33:44

Checked:20/7 -2017 18:30:51

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: peach drowning.swf-(814 KB, 495x800, Game)
[_] [E][T][W][E][T][B][I][T][C][H] Anonymous 07/19/17(Wed)23:52:53 No.3263986

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)00:12:54 No.3263991

  SMFH this is such garbage.
  Can't we try harder than this?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)00:15:58 No.3263993

  Nigger detected.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)00:47:06 No.3264004

  that drowning sound is some shit

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)02:58:31 No.3264033

  Don't tell me this is a fetish for some people

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)03:08:55 No.3264037


  it is. but you're supposed to pull her out at the last second

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)07:38:49 No.3264083

  if only there was a way to make this better but you can't improve perfection
  >dragon character
  i guess you can

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)09:41:49 No.3264096

  Why are her shoulders so much wider than her hips?
  All these characters look like men.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)09:47:28 No.3264097

  Anybody with a fetish like this is probably a raging faggot still hiding in the closet, so they
  don't mind at all.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)10:04:31 No.3264099

  why do these fetish porn games always have this shit animations?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)11:01:54 No.3264107

  because nobody with any ability at all is that fuckt in the head. Basically these are people that
  never advanced beyond the crayon stage, in all aspects of their being.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)11:02:56 No.3264108

  Because there's only a tiny handful of artists who accept that they're shit and so are willing to
  do snuff and guro, since they'll be blacklisted by everyone. There are rare, wonderful exceptions
  like PestilenceSFM, but for the most part you want snuff and guro, this is what you get.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)11:10:29 No.3264111

  I would argue that people who embrace human nature and its love of pain and suffering are
  actually more realistic, developed people than normies like you who huddle in the illusory safe
  zone of socially acceptable behavior. Arguing with a normie is a waste of time, however, so I
  present this reply not as an argument but as a "fuck off" to you and some subtle encouragement to
  my fellow enthusiasts of violent fantasy. Now go back to playing CoD, because, you know, deriving
  enjoyment from non-sexual simulated murder is so much more advanced than deriving enjoyment from
  sexualized simulated murder.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)11:10:56 No.3264112

  You're kidding, right? That's among the most plastic-faced junk in the 3D scene.
  If that's the best example of "quality guro", then it simply proves

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)11:13:58 No.3264113

  just because you scored trips doesn't make you right, kek. Do not mistake me for a normie (I'm on
  4chan after all, check your logic) I'm just pointing out the elephant in the room. Sorry if it
  makes you uncomfortable. It kinda bugs me too.
  You don't even want to know *my* kinks.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)11:24:04 No.3264118

  >I would argue that people who embrace human nature and its love of pain and suffering
  You're fapping to a drowning woman in a tank, dude. There's no armchair philosophizing out of
  this one, it's friggin weird. Even on a logical level, it's friggin weird, because you can't even
  breed again with a corpse. You can still be a necrophiliac, but you fall into the same category
  as faggots, in that you're all mentally ill because you're attempting to rut with something that
  cannot bear you children, or at least pretending to do so with pixels on a screen.
  >Now go back to playing CoD, because, you know, deriving enjoyment from non-sexual simulated
  murder is so much more advanced than deriving enjoyment from sexualized simulated murder.
  Infinitely more natural, war is second nature for us. It's competition for resources, and the
  winner expends his blood and race, thus fulfilling a useful purpose. This bizarro snuff/gore crap
  is not, for the reasons listed above, and when compared to this argument you gave, again, you're
  actually destroying your own resources. Unnatural and mentally ill.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/17(Thu)11:30:55 No.3264121

  But I'd have said "seek therapy, you sick twat".
Created: 20/7 -2017 05:55:30 Last modified: 20/7 -2017 18:31:11 Server time: 24/06 -2024 12:05:52