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This is resource FU8DI2I, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/8 -2017 03:05:26

Ended:25/8 -2017 17:33:40

Checked:25/8 -2017 18:16:49

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: yume_river.swf-(7.28 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] question inside Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)21:04:01 No.3275260

  im going to start this off by saying that i use adblock pro
  i went to swfchan to try and redownload a flash that wouldnt work offline, but got a popup
  covered in fbi logos saying that windows had detected illegal files on my computer
  i tried to close it but it locked my computer up, so i restarted, but it wouldnt boot.
  no ransom, no threat, nothing. just an error saying that windows didnt boot right
  has anyone else had shit like this happen?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)21:30:26 No.3275269

  They are coming for you.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)21:38:38 No.3275271

  how did you post this swf?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)21:39:15 No.3275272

  sounds like failed ransom war.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)21:40:50 No.3275274

  using old shitty laptop, found this in its downloads

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)21:50:07 No.3275276

  >using ADP
  let me guess, you also use chrome? you deserve it faglord, should've donated to the site

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)21:58:28 No.3275280

  Yikes, I like to save flash that are already posted and don't know how to use swf chan to be
  honest. I was learning how to download shit but after what op just said I'm not sure I want to

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)22:29:06 No.3275285

  Yeah, I had this happen to my phone once. nothing you can do about it. All you can do is factory
  reset or if available recover to a previous backup. If you don't have your shit backed up this is
  a good lesson on why you should back up your computer every so often.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)22:38:19 No.3275291


>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)23:29:02 No.3275302

  I fix computers on the side in my spare time, and deal with this regularly. I'll help you just
  because of how much shit this thing causes. It may be ransomware, but i doubt its a cryptolocker.

  You'll need to get into a recovery environment, remove the virus, and repair whatevers keeping
  windows from booting. Alternatively, you can use the recovery enviroment to move your files and
  stuff to another device, then either reinstall windows or do a factory reset. This isn't as hard
  as it sounds. There's programs for this shit that are pretty easy to use if you know what a
  partition is. All you'll need is a clear jump drive, at least 8 gigs or so.

  You still here before i go into details?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/17(Thu)23:43:37 No.3275306

  ALWAYS use the sandboxed browser when you fuck with sites like swfchan.

  swfchan isn't evil, but it's forced to take ad revenue from shitty pirates posing as businessmen.
  If you wanna fuck a dirty old whore, make sure you wear a condom. You WILL get a disease
  eventually if you don't

>> [_] HatoYano 08/25/17(Fri)01:43:30 No.3275323

  Hi, Madotsuki.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)02:21:08 No.3275331

  >He doesn't have HTML/Script blockers running at all times

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)04:36:33 No.3275341

  Are you sure your computer isn't failing to restart for some other reason? It's rare for a
  computer to be damaged that badly from a webpage alone.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)05:53:40 No.3275347

  Not OP but swfchan is RIDDLED with malware. It seems okay-ish when you use a proper adblocker and
  anti-vir, but without those you can say your HDD contents goodbye.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)09:06:42 No.3275378

  >i use adblock pro
  This isn't enough, use NoScript too.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)10:06:57 No.3275383

  im still here
  used a friends computer and plugged my hd as a secondary, scanned it with mwb and defender, both
  came up with nothing

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)11:13:21 No.3275391

  I just checked it out in a sandboxed browser.
  I looked at swfchan's Bad Ads thread
  and at the bottom I checked the latest link.

  It IS a bad ad, but it's only a page-stealer as far as I can see.
  It's "" - it shows some questionable but obviously of-age girls with fake FBI
  logos and a scary sounding National Emergency alarm, etc.

  Note well, that NoScript blocked it solidly (as it does with everything), and the link had to be
  whitelisted to get 'borked'.

  I had to laugh- "MICROSOFT ALERT... MICROSOFT ALERT... MICROSOFT ALERT..." while you frantically
  try to close a locked browser saying not to try anything funny and wait while files are removed.
  Sandboxie>default box>Terminate Programs

  What did it leave behind?
  Don't know what that's supposed to do, but betting it's keeping your browser locked down and
  under their spell

  >This... this is not funy.
  I'm not even gonna say I'd like to see what this does. I'm glad it's trapped in my sandbox, and
  will be history in about 30 seconds from now. I can only bet without digging into it, this might
  be related to why your machine won't boot?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)11:25:47 No.3275392

  I've had something similar happen for basically the same reason a few years ago--opened a flash,
  eventually went to reboot and system wouldn't start normally, got stuck at windows loading
  screen. Turned out to be something called a rootkit, which I guess you need a specialized program
  to detect and remove apart from normal malware scanners, so I'd try that avenue. Load into safe
  mode or whatever you have and get a rootkit scanner to see if it's that.
Created: 25/8 -2017 03:05:26 Last modified: 25/8 -2017 18:17:17 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:02:41