File: cattrap.swf-(11 KB, 600x480, Game)
[_] Cat Trap Anonymous 07/09/17(Sun)03:10:26 No.3260615
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/17(Sun)07:23:22 No.3260659
that was fun OP. Was expecting something fucked up in the end.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/17(Sun)08:33:11 No.3260670
Once you know how he works you win every time.
When he is going towards somewhere don't block it entirely, let a hole so he can keep walking
towards it and build more around it. When he is too close he is going to escape, block it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/17(Sun)13:15:59 No.3260716
Fuck you. I can't fucking win this game no matter how hard I try and it bothers the FUCK out of
me. Fuck you and fuck that smug ass little cat. I hope you die in a pit of burning eels.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/17(Sun)14:37:38 No.3260731
>let them hope