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This is resource JRW242T, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/8 -2017 02:49:27

Ended:7/12 -2017 06:24:28

Checked:7/12 -2017 06:35:44

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 11837

Age: 102.15d   Health: 0%   Posters: 14   Posts: 23   Replies: 19   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 20aug2017(su)02:46 No.52594 OP P1

[IMG] 281028a51f643d2ec8bd5fc2837a4929.swf (8.23 MiB)
1280x768, Compressed. 2 frames, 60 fps (00:00).
Ver11, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 20aug2017(su)08:06 No.52598 A P2R1

jasonafex is a huge faggot

>> Anonymous 20aug2017(su)15:17 No.52609 B P3

There's a reason these walking arguments for euthanasia are called "furfags"

>> Anonymous 20aug2017(su)17:08 No.52612 C P4R2


Really? Great insight and deductive thinking. Few people can see it for themselves.

>> Anonymous 20aug2017(su)22:03 No.52621 D P5R3

holy fucking hell what a descriptor

>> Anonymous 21aug2017(mo)05:19 No.52625 E P6R4

>Anon sees something gay
>thrown into a rage

>Anon sees something furry
>frothing at the mouth

>Anon sees both
>rage has no better name

Not bad animation.
Yeah, its gay. surprise.

Big whoop.

>> Anonymous 21aug2017(mo)09:18 No.52632 F P7R5

It's sad to see such talent spent this way. Instead of 99.9999% of the Earth's men being able to
enjoy it only 0.0001% could.

>> Anonymous 21aug2017(mo)12:33 No.52644 C P8R6


Fap to it as a form of protest. Stick it to the man, literally.

>> Anonymous 21aug2017(mo)19:46 No.52647 G P9R7


furries call themselves furfags more often than you do, spergaloid

>> Anonymous 21aug2017(mo)19:48 No.52648 B P10

>this somehow changes my point
Yiff in hell, furfag.

>> Anonymous 21aug2017(mo)21:33 No.52649 H P11R8

Children, children... Settle down now, and drink your kool-aid.

>> Anonymous 21aug2017(mo)23:04 No.52651 I P12R9

Didn't watch the animation.
Calling artistic "talent" wasted because you don't appreciate it or not enough people do is the
most entitled and retarded thing I ever hear said to artists.

>> Anonymous 21aug2017(mo)23:38 No.52652 H P13R10

You say this as though warrantless entitlement is the exception today and not the rule.

>> Anonymous 22aug2017(tu)00:05 No.52653 J P14R11


I find his remark funny because he don't see the obvious correlation:
Why the hell would upstanding members of society draw/produce anything artistic at all?
Why the hell would a straight chad, spend time and energy doing porn?

That's why "artist" and "talent"(being autismally dedicated) is closely correlated to degeneracy
and faggotry.

>> Anonymous 22aug2017(tu)04:18 No.52658 K P15R12

are you really talking about autism and degeneracy as a person who comes to a website to watch
drawings fuck so he can whack it rather than being a productive member of society and getting a

>> Anonymous 22aug2017(tu)05:56 No.52662 L P16R13

>Faggots, faggots... Settle down now, and guzzle each other's cum.

>> Anonymous 22aug2017(tu)06:03 No.52665 M P17R14

Someone has to make a straight version of this man :(

>> Anonymous 22aug2017(tu)14:26 No.52677 F P18R15

If someone spends 14 hours a day to smear images made out of shit on the street I'll be damned if I
let someone tell me to not think he is wasting his talent.

>> Anonymous 23aug2017(we)00:14 No.52682 G P19R16


Found the tard who failed art school.

>> Anonymous 24aug2017(th)16:09 No.52733 H P20R17

Clearly you are not familiar with the 'culture' surrounding high society modern art.

>> Anonymous 27aug2017(su)09:40 No.52823 A P21R18

first anon here. I have simply stated the fact that he is a faggot and you guys make a drama of it.
You guys are huge faggots

>> Anonymous 27aug2017(su)09:42 No.52824 A P22

get a life

>> Anonymous 27aug2017(su)10:09 No.52826 L P23R19

we know who you are you dumb fuck newfag
Created: 20/8 -2017 02:49:27 Last modified: 7/12 -2017 06:50:26 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:26:40